Pet Peeve: The Undying

Yeah I doubt there’ll be a hard lock out. Worst case you just need to download a different client for EU and RU.

I’m more miffed that I could potentially get to level 60 then find out the server I’m on is the unofficial french server.

That’s probably what will happen.

Noooo! Why? You’re also important!

All I can say so far about 8.2: f*ck Tickles

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PC crashed when fighting that earth guy e_e fml



yo i’m stuck at work how is the patch

It’s p. good, some bad storytelling swept aside, kinda seems like Mechagnon is gunna be way more Timeless Isle and grindy whereas Nazjatar is little more dynamic with events and stuff

I’m actually super excited to play some Mechagon. I was really surprised when they announced it.

Gz on your heritage armour. I will be rolling a gnome ASAP in order to fulfil my dreams.

2 months sober, my pusher just started dealing some new kush, and a lot of my friends are taking it.
I’ve generally been happy and not felt a need to use, but now I’m starting to feel the itch.

I started a new job, and it’s demanding a lot of my time, but Idk maybe I should just got him up and get my fix.

What do?

You can either.
A. Grow a spine and not take it as you are trying to sober up, showing that you have character and the will to push on.

B. Get some.


Depends on why you’re going sober I guess. If you’re questioning it I reckon you’re better off going with no.

I generally found that the quality of the kush was dropping and it wasn’t worth the money anymore.
Also I found that using felt more like a chore and I didn’t really enjoy it at all.

But now that my buddy’s are back to using, I’m afraid of missing out on the social aspect

If using felt like a chore I’d definitelly recommend no, the rewards of staying sober are generally greater tgan the momentary pleasure you might gain from using again.

it’s not worth it nige


Gonna try to keep the monkey off my back for a few more.
Thanks fellas


Pet peeve: why is everyone shirtless all of a sudden, I understand it works for some mogs (mainly Horde ones) but some of you are just randomly shirtless. I saw a Paladin who had a full set on BUT the shirt. Can you guys not dress like hookers for 5 minutes?


you can therefore you must


Pale imitations of a real hero:


My current peeve is it is time to resubscribe after about 2 months of not playing. I’d be more excited for FF14 Shadowbringers but alas I am only at Heavensward content so far so I can’t really buy into the hype.

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