Pet Peeve: The Undying

I did a lot with the WoD starter quest, when you get the black powder keg. In a game that rarely reflects changes you make, it’s nice to occasionally go “See that giant stick figure drawn in gunpowder? I made that, and now I’m going to blow it up.”


Fair enough.

I don’t know how to enjoy the gameplay. Mechagon and Nazjatar are OK but it’s all gated stuff that feels like work.
The entire game feels more like “When is it going to be fun? When am I strong enough to enjoy my class?”
The heat doesn’t help.


Do it as arcane. If something sneezes near you, you die.

My Peeve is that this old joke comic is more and more likley to actually be how BfA ends



I’ve got this feeling that Genn’s gonna end up dead and Sylvanas is gonna remain very much alive, honestly.


I hope not :l

I personally would very much like to see both Nathanos and Sylvanas just written out and be done with. And I would like to see Genn become more individual again.


Honestly, I feel like it’s too late for Genn. His ‘revenge’ plotline has been going since 2010 and the only thing he really accomplished so far is smashing a lamp. It lost relevance. Liam who?

Kill him off, hand the revenge :bone:r over to his kid. Maybe she’ll even bother with cleaning up Gilneas.


End my torment…

Im fully prepared for that Gilneas, Gnomeregan, Exodar, Silvermoon, and now Teldrassil/Darkshore will most likley never recieve any update from their current states.


i wish i could relief you of that what ails you.

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I honestly expect them all to get torched at this rate.


In Patch 9.0 we see Exodar and Silvermoon get burned and obliterated, however outside of the phased instance, they are still like their original tbc counterparts because reasons


Off to go get the tauren heritage armour.

On a character that will never wear it.

Its not that I don’t like it, its just he’s worn the same transmog since late cataclysm and its not really going to change any time soon.

EDIT: I only know what his face looks like because I took his helmet off so I could do his portrait.

I did the gnome HA yesterday, and it was kinda fun and neat. But it was -alot- quicker than I expected(took less than an hour), and from what I’ve heard about the tauren HA, it seems very unfair.

Gul’dan: Everything intensifies.

Currently it’s that… :point_up_2:

It is. Unlike gnomes, we also need the entire war campaign done.


That just…isnt okay. The non-allied race HA should have equal unlock for all races, and it should honestly just be enough to have one at 120 with exalted on their racial rep.

The Tauren stuff just seems tedious busy-work rather than a reward for “good work”


Having just completed it, it was just… busy work.

I liked Mulgore being enveloped in the fog, but my god that quest was just so…

I am a bit lost for words.

EDIT: Mark me underwhelmed.


I’ve also heard that it has very little to do with…well, anything connected to actual tauren stuff really but instead has some void thrown in.

Which also seems really out of place, since the only connection taurens have had with any of that cosmic stuff is the Highmountain ones, who had the legion invasion, and then in their Allied Race unlock you fought some random old god minion and voidy stuff out of nowhere.

But the Kalimdor taurens has none of that. Was it written by some story-intern who never played tauren?

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