I’ll be home in an hour? I loooove that trial. Also, means you’re almost done.
And good i’m nearly done.
Will take this time to go shower.
Peeve: Mob density in Nazjatar. Can’t go anywhere without aggroing the entire population of crabs and murlocs.
This is definitely an issue. Or, it would be, if this patch didn’t give us flying. Just gotta make it there first.
Computer dying. Damn you, I repaired you just a few months ago.
Their respawn rate is too high in places too.
Learn tactics!
Why is it dying tho?
Tell me about it, especially in the bloodfin village…
But all in Nazjatar my #&@% Voidwalker can’t take two steps without taunting something wandering around and their grandmother…
Then of course can’t hold them or just die like a mayfly…
Anoying like Fel
Too bad that by the time we get flying, there will be no reason or desire to go back to Nazjatar/Junkagon ever again…
Except spiting from above the mobs under you my dear bovine friend
Yeah mine is at its deathbed as well. I can’t do a WQ in Nazjatar without the game/laptop crashing. And it’s getting worse and worse…
Did you perform maintenance?
I did. The parts of the laptop have deteriorated over the years. My processor is almost completely ruined. It doesn’t pay off to try and replace it. This junk is just too old.
bro do you even rp…
Yes, Uruk will be in Nazjatar soon to kill the naga.
epic sounds fun
That my race is apparently so one dimensional nobody seems to care that the only reason Thunder Bluff might be threatened is because of Baine.
we can survive without baine bloodhoof he’s not exactly that freaken testament to our society people
Idk I really liked him in the heritage scenario. He was decisive, proud and aggressive. I want more of this Baine please.
too bad he doesn’t connote any of those words when he’s asking the warchief before an entire crowd of trolls as they pay homeage to their recently dead king they should just surrender