Pet Peeve: The Undying

Black Arrow + Unstable poison. You need to just send one dagger and you could clear up an entire wave.

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Thats the one yeah!

Also for people who played alot of hots, anyone remember the broken mess that was early windfury thrall?

The biggest issue indeed was it pushed people into thinking she was solely a PvE hero which just isn’t a thing and actively sabotaged games. I do not miss “solo push” 300 hour Sylvanas mains never turning up for team fights then getting ganked minutes after 4 of us died.

I remember the Alpha where Illidan was annoying, now we have Genji and Tracer who remain top picks despite constantly being nerfed

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But when a good sylvanas could jump in the fight, have the ult :just_right:… Turning down the fight.
I remember the Beta Illidan for a moment. When he was just… especially with an Abathur with the attack speed bonus.

I personally feel the overwatch heroes kinda doesnt fit and are a bit to frustrating by design. All of them, even the clunky ones like and Zarya have excellent mobility while -still- retaining very high damage or utility, because that is how OW is kinda designed. And compared to the other heroes it sticks out too much.

The three beta boys of Illidan, Chen and Thrall.

I don’t want to annoy random people but I do get this when clicking the option

Tracer, the only character that I happen to really like in concept but playing against her makes me hate her in OW and HotS.

Also, my worst HotS peeve probably is when I get a team of really hat-able heroes as Aba but the moment they get the hat they think they can go 1vs3… Either that or everyone is constantly screaming for hat, leaving me no time to even exp farm like a decent slug.


Cloudflare just went down again.

Zayra has no mobility at all though :thinking: and she’s actually one of my favourite heroes because she’s fun to play as, with and against.

Peeve: Discord going down again.

This is getting a bit silly now, they need better servers because their outages are getting more frequent. It’s obvious the user base us too big for the servers they rented off Google. At this rate we may go back to teamspeak or something. I refuse to go back to Skype.

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It’s not just discord because again this is not on their end. It’s Cloudflare.

It also affected my poll. Now I can’t see who is winning.

I’m aware, but that’s why I say they need to look into an alternative because it’s getting silly now. It happens at least once a week.

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I still think she has quite alot of mobility :confused: Not to the extent as Genji, Lucio or Tracer but still

How do? I think a talent gives her ally shield, like, 20% move speed, but it’s so negligible I never take it.

What about duels/pet battle duels? Are you able to challenge Alliance for these with your addon?

There’s as well even MORE hackers on Discord.
Also. Simply. ANDUIN.
This ultimate. Protection + Heal. It needs a little… nerf in my opinion.
I might be a bronzodia perhaps. I didn’t do rankeds in a while.

The crests are to blame.

Actually Salvation is considered the garbage ultimate of the two. Any pushback, stasis, stun, charm, polymorph, fear or sleep interrupts it. Meanwhile lightbomb dropped on an ally just before they dive hits the enemy with a nice stun that can lead to some followup CC and gives your diver a fat shield too. Exceptional initiator ability.

Peeve: Just a sort of error 502 Cloudflare on WoW.
What in the… Anyone had it too?