It wasn’t an IRL event, it was just Goldshire Lux trying to bait, so We tried to turn it into a Gachi Thread Because Lillynore doesn’t like Gay men.
But In the end, we showed her who’s boss of this gym.
It wasn’t an IRL event, it was just Goldshire Lux trying to bait, so We tried to turn it into a Gachi Thread Because Lillynore doesn’t like Gay men.
But In the end, we showed her who’s boss of this gym.
He had it coming, thinking he was my sock.
Huh. I’ve only now found out that apparently you can post YouTube links even without Trust Level of Infinity powers. That’s neat. Or something.
the phony was no match for the troll in the jabroni.
think that’s trust lvl 2? WoWhead, Youtube and the like are “trusted” sites
yeah, it is. But hey, a man can dream of Trust Level 3…
Come on, even I had it (for a short while until i threw an insult at some whiteknight in the general forums), you can do it
You, always.
Joy of the PS store. Mine was recognised and applied immediately without me doigg anything.
Emet-Selch is a great character. I like him!
Well doohickey.
Pet peeve: I think they thanos snapped Nelox.
The Forum mods will pay for such treachery.
He won’t be missed.
He Will, he was a sailor of the posting Dutchman. a True part of the cre.
I can confirm, 3 months of blizzjail.
“Oh oh fudge my champion is talking to an Ascian and they’re not speaking ooga booga! They’re actually sympathetic!”
Do you know what for?
nope but after the stuff you see going around there is 0 logic to it.
Aye, well guess we’ll see him in August/ september then. I’ll hold the Discussions for him while hes gone.
I stand by what I said. He spent too much time trolling Argent rp and discords for me to like him.
He’s interesting and nuanced! I talk to him at every opportunity to learn more.