Pet Peeve: The Undying

Is fine!

IRL before game.

Peeve: can i die yet?

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Oh no you don’t also close your eyes.

Peeve : I’m frankly sad and annoyed that I have to main Mcree in competitive Deathmatch in OW

I’d normally just play Soldier because I like the character
 But really no matter my efforts, there’s always some Mcree, Doom or Road to get in my way by either KSing or excessively focusing on me

Basically unless you main Mcree or Road you have little chance of gaining more ranks unless you’re a god at playing a specific character
 I played lots of Soldier but apparently not good enough anymore to get me more ranks.

Thing about Overwatch is that the game is balanced (and designed) around you switching to counter heroes who are giving you a hard time. Maining a hero and refusing to switch is detrimental to your team’s performance because dead DPS is no DPS, and you’re only feeding them ult charge.

If Roadhog is ruining your day, switch to Reaper. If McCree is giving you :poop:, go Genji, Widow or Bastion.

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 In a team setting I will. But when you got a full roster of Mcrees in a deathmatch with your lonely self genji
 You can’t block 'em all.

Even if you were highly good at survival for yourseld, doesn’t mean I’ll get kills
 Or that they won’y be KSed.

Have you considered Doomguy?

In deathmatch Doom gets constant flashed by Mcrees
 However I do play him when there’s an excessive amount of Genjis and Moira
 Also Reapers.

The absolute worst game I’ve ever had on Doomfist in DM was finishing in top 4. I win most games.

That’s me now with Mcree.

Winning as melee torb is best.

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Nah, it annoyed me too and I know it annoyed a few more but well, what do you wanna do? (They are stealing our ghosts!)

Peeve: That the titans Azeroth and Argus are called Azeroth and Argus.


Peeve: That Azeroth and Argus are titans.
No, really, screw the world-soul stuff.


It’s like how in every sci-fi movie, Earth is known to the aliens as either Earth or Tellus, despite never having had interactions with humans before etc.

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Don’t forget Terra, which is still basically Earth.

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Or the more “lol funny aliens” approach when they name it something like “Ey-earth” or a weird pronounciation of it.

I’ve complained a bit about how underwhelming Nazjatar is. But this is pretty cool tbh.

Simple, they are aware of different planets and species, but that doesn’t mean they’ve gone and met 'em personally.

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Despite its many flaws and illogical stuff (why does everyone speak English?), Stargate did it quite well by having name Terra originate from precursors of humans who colonized the galaxy long time ago.
Bonus points for not having aliens call it Earth, but TauÂŽri (which was basically evolved version of word Terra).