Pet Peeve: The Undying

I will update once I boarded the train and made sure it’s actually as the ticket said.

Straigth to Paris.
No stops.
Getting there at 8:58AM.

Once that is confirmed, you’ll know right before I pass out to get some sleep.

Le jour où il y’aura une compagnie privée qui roulera sur les rails… C’est à se moment là qu’ils se réveillerons et les grèves de la SNCF, des souvenirs du passé.


Ce jour là, je l’attends j’peux te dire.

Good luck, hope all will be well!

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Like Crowton said, I play Free for all Deathmatch nowadays (whenever mystery hero DM isn’t in rotation at least). Reason why I gave up on quick play and comp is that I can only affect how I play, but I can’t play the game for my team mates.

In Deathmatch it’s just me, my gun and B.O.B.

Got into the train. Left right on time.

It does have stops though… Like 4 but it’s not like uhm… “Avoir des correspondances quoi.” they’re already on the way to Paris Bercy so as long as it’s not 10 mins stop for each…

No idea yet wether we’ll get there in time but mood is lifting up if nothing else.


They’ve made Gears of War 5 Horde character based, instead of class… It’s a no from me.

I on the other hand would rather shove nails up my butthole than play DM in OW.

It’s a team game darn it!

that can be arranged.

Saying that I’m dissapointed… Is a euphemism. Got denied Visa entry on the ground the booth chick was too dumb to understand (Or didn’t wanted to bother understanding) where I was coming from, my year of volunteering and how it was gonna go about regardless of the letters confirming all of that.


There was a strange smell in my room. Nothing too bad but still. Checked out. Nothing.
Took the trash out today. Put on some old shoes that were under my desk.
I feel something wrong. Touching my left foot. Must be nothing. Right?
My cat left a dead mouse in it. With worms eating it.
Without a say, I ran back in my shower to purify my foot…
I’m going to murder it.

Are you asmongold?


well, it’s the thought that counts, right?

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It loves you!

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Yeah. I mean. Not the first time my cats are trying to bring me some dead animals.
Either a bird. Either a mouse. Anything, really.

Nah. I clean my room very often.

Yeah. I don’t love her anymore! Damn it! Shakes fist angrily

Humans who RP orcs, elves, or gnomes are a peeve too.


Also humans who RP humans who aren’t just sitting on their computer all day.

Stop pretending.


sounds like projection to me

:policeman:sir step away from the keyboard


Sweats heavily
Wh-what are you talking about.

I’ve been trying to make a decent transmog for my Dwarf Warrior that’s not just the full heritage set or the Ulduar Warrior one.

I usually hit a point where it looks okay, but all the colours are just a bit off from one another to the point it doesn’t feel super coherent, which bothers me and I end up changing it.


ICC warrior set looks good on dwarves.

are you a blood elf warlock called Aerolnir IRL?

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