I’d add Mississippi and Tennessee.
But thats only 5 states, not an entire country Im afraid.
There’s something mildly terrifying about the worgen male run now. It’s like they’re sprinting towards everything angrily.
I love it. Please do not change it Blizzard. Best run ever!
sprints angrily at u
They’ve come to take my Lilt!
Since the patch, my game seems to stutter or freeze for a second at random intervals.
I would’ve thought Cornwall was redneck England? No?
Hull, maybe.
Peeve again:
All the female demon hunters who have “succubus” souls. You don’t suddenly become like a succubus, Karen Leafmoon!
I forgot Hull even existed… Definitely Hull… Leeds too… Dirty Leeds.
Never been. Just heard things about people having six webbed toes on each foot
They become worse than that.
They become… GOLDSHIRE ADDICTS! (Just kidding.)
Karen, you don’t have the spirit of a Succubus, you’re just a hoe.
Did you say Karen?
This isn’t any Karen. It’s a night elf succubus Karen. She sacrificed everything to get that whip, and no management can stop her.
“I have given everything. nOw I wAnT ThIs mY tHiNg gIvE iT tO Me nOW!!11!11!”
When outsiders start walking about Pandaria like they own the place
When your GM lets them
Uberpeeve, and I mean it, I’m really pissed:
Since 8.2.5, WoW now deletes the AddOns folder and recreates it as an empty one if it’s a symlink. I symlinked it to a subfolder of my cloud storage folder to keep addons backed up and consistent between all installations of WoW.
Guess I’ll try a junction point.
Wait WHAT?!
Downloading Red Alert, cause nostalgia hit me.
Playing the original Yoshis Island on the Switch while I wait.
The new worgen update kind of makes me want to bring my mage back then move her.
i don’t know how I feel about that.