Pet Peeve: The Undying

I’d add Mississippi and Tennessee.

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But thats only 5 states, not an entire country Im afraid.

There’s something mildly terrifying about the worgen male run now. It’s like they’re sprinting towards everything angrily.

I love it. Please do not change it Blizzard. Best run ever!

sprints angrily at u

They’ve come to take my Lilt!

Since the patch, my game seems to stutter or freeze for a second at random intervals.

I would’ve thought Cornwall was redneck England? No?

Hull, maybe.

Peeve again:
All the female demon hunters who have “succubus” souls. You don’t suddenly become like a succubus, Karen Leafmoon!


I forgot Hull even existed… Definitely Hull… Leeds too… Dirty Leeds.

Never been. Just heard things about people having six webbed toes on each foot :man_shrugging:t2:

They become worse than that.
They become… GOLDSHIRE ADDICTS! (Just kidding.)

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Karen, you don’t have the spirit of a Succubus, you’re just a hoe.


Did you say Karen?

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This isn’t any Karen. It’s a night elf succubus Karen. She sacrificed everything to get that whip, and no management can stop her.


“I have given everything. nOw I wAnT ThIs mY tHiNg gIvE iT tO Me nOW!!11!11!”

When outsiders start walking about Pandaria like they own the place

When your GM lets them

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Uberpeeve, and I mean it, I’m really pissed:

Since 8.2.5, WoW now deletes the AddOns folder and recreates it as an empty one if it’s a symlink. I symlinked it to a subfolder of my cloud storage folder to keep addons backed up and consistent between all installations of WoW.

Guess I’ll try a junction point.

Wait WHAT?!

Downloading Red Alert, cause nostalgia hit me.

Playing the original Yoshis Island on the Switch while I wait.

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The new worgen update kind of makes me want to bring my mage back then move her.

i don’t know how I feel about that.