Pet Peeve: The Undying

14 more posts added

Ah, i see people are fighting for the 20k.

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Hey Uncle, it’s me.

Yeah listen it’s about the Pet Peeves thread, that fool Ghaewon thought he got it again. Can you believe that guy?

Yeah a Blood Elf poster, I know. The nerve on those guys.

Same arrangement as before, make it look like an accident. Couple of posts off the top, no harm done.

Sure, I’ll be there for Aunt Marie’s 60th. There going to be food?

Bummer, alright. See you at Blizzcon. Peace.



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That’s just not nice.

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Enjin sucks. Always hated it.

I never made it overly complicated regardless. Literally just “Who is your character?” and “Why do you want to join?” split into a few questions, like 5-6, tops. If someone can’t bring the effort to just answer some questions about their own character then how do we know they’ll put effort into being active in the guild? We didn’t want throwaway alts. Plus it’s caught a few bad apples (With insanely long, edgy backstories and such) before they could even get in.

That said I have seen some terrible ones over the years. Entire essays or short stories being mandatory suck. I remember an old guild I was in set actual ‘homework’ to do between sessions, wanting research papers and reports all written up.

lol no

Enjin was good IMO. But it was too limited and OVERPRICED!

The minimum. Because otherwise, it feels people get in without any… well, sense of integration. Just like a bar. You go in, you get out.

The 30 pages about their childhood…

For our acolytes, we just had actual lessons. But homework? Lmao, what?

Yeah he wanted written up field notes on herbs.

Darianuth wasn’t even an alchemist or anything. I did it anyway and didn’t realise how utterly daft it was until afterwards, when I realised I had spent my free time doing homework IRL more or less.

Same guild pretty much collapsed when the GM kept quitting then returning several times in the span of a year. I remember when he would only log in to tell the officers to get into the not very secret TESO RP Guild prep chat.

Then TESO came out, he left for a few weeks, and then the game bombed super hard and he tried to crawl back like nothing happened. We all laughed at him and begin to mass /gquit. It was the final straw after he kept moaning about us wanting to be “spoonfed RP” when he arranged nothing, did no recruitment (Besides creepily hitting on female characters) and basically left all the work to us and the officers. The few events he did do were ones where his character was in an elevated position, either as a mentor (Fine) or a hero saving the day single-handedly (Less fine). And god help you if your character was supposed to be on par with his.

Fun times.

Ah well. Gonna gun for the 25k post, then.

I wonder if there’s any sort of thread length limit… maybe 65335 posts or something?

I think with the new format they got rid of any of that. This will forever by the biggest thread on AD.

actually… I just checked.

It seems to just be straight up the biggest post, across the entire forums.

What have I unleashed?


Not if it gets locked… although it doesn’t seem too likely it ever will face the lock at that point.

We just need to bring a good milkshake of politics, identity politics and with a good amount of ad hominems and there… Thread is locked should people mass flag.

few times that’s happened, its been unlocked again.


Maybe if we post about a certain event related to an Asian Hearthstone pro?

This thread truly has earned its title in full

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Gender! Sexuality! Politics! Religion!

I’m sure this thread will be annihilated once we start doxxing people.

Honestly even if it does die, it’s almost 3 times the size of the second-biggest thread. I’m satisfied.

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Ooof, that’s actually the only thing that hasn’t been done yet here and is guaranteed to get this locked for good.

Congratulations Brother, you did it. :muscle:

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