Pet Peeve: Wrath

This sounds like the start of a movie spin off between Lord of the Rings, World of Warcraft and RL. Make it.


I’m being told that the Shen’dralar Highborne Night Elves scryed on Azeroth for 10,000 years after the Sundering. Now I can’t find this bit of information anywhere, but I’m told that it is canon lore and that this shows how much better the Shen’dralar are than the Blood Elves.

Can anyone, for the love of all that’s holy and into Night Elf/Shen’dralar lore, please post a source that tells me that they scryed on Azeroth for 10,000 years. I’ve checked the Shen’dralar lore page, the Shen’dralar Ancient in-game, the Lorekeepers in-game and Chronicles and can’t find a single thing that says, they were scrying on Azeroth for ALL the years after the Sundering.
I’ve asked the person to provide the source, 3 times and it obviously, hasn’t happened.

The source provided from googles is “dire maul classic quests” but on reading through all of these it doesn’t show up - can only assume it is therefore headcanon that people have convinced themselves is true.


Decided to give Elder Scrolls Online a try, since I’ve been a bit bored in WoW for a while. (and my friends quit)

I have to say, atleast in WoW the over-the-top asthetics fit in the setting, but in ESO every other player is (for example) completely green with glowing yellow eyes. It looks so out of place in the setting, and it’s rather immersion breaking.

Have to also wonder how people RP in this game without a dedicated server.

Apart from that I’ve been enjoying it, just have to imagine half the playerbase isn’t there.


I’m super excited for high elves finally arriving (been wanting to play one so long that my desire to be blue could take its GCSEs) but now that it’s here I’m hurting for ideas on what to play.

I threw myself into Void Elves because I resigned to not getting to play a high elf god damn it


The Void Elf IC lynching wouldn’t have existed if High Elves came along right from the start… sighs.

If only I could gather that amont of salt and want for Arakkoa instead of High Elf… Gimme playable birbs.

I’d love playable High Arakkoa (don’t wanna be dirty and flightless sorry)

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We could have both, but the corrupted ones are still the cooler.

Flightless! Flightless! Pitiful Loras. Squawk alone, squawk alone. Bwahahaha.


I thought as much, but I’m always willing to accept when I’m wrong or missed something.
Thanks for double checking…I thought it might have been me. :hugs:

I’m so happy for you, my child. So happy.

Peeve: Firefox’s “new and improved” address bar can no longer be disabled with the latest update.

Peeved that I don’t have enough free time to plough into Persona 5. I’m pretty far into it now and it’s getting spicy, to the point where I finally reached the Casino palace from the intro. I want to keep playing and see where it goes, but I have too much to do.

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Give the controller to your daughter while putting on another display screen or something to avoid any bad images, and just let her mash away on your controller.

Then come back in a few hours and see how much progress was made :slight_smile:

The fact that WoW still doesn’t have a name and family name system like in Guild Wars 2. That would free up a lot of name slots and opportunities rather than a 12 letters limit.


Alot of MMO’s have it, and it’s weird that WoW doesnt. Swtor has a legacy/surname system, and Lotro has a completly built in,customisable family-tree that you can even invite other players into, thus sharing the same surname. And atop of that, basically TRP3 but built in.

I always felt like Lotro in particular was designed more intentionally to be RP friendly from the bottom up. Me and my friends played it a lot when it first came out, although I didn’t play it as much as them because I was still deeply in love with WoW RP.

They had a blast with RP over there though and I’d join them from time to time. The emote system was exceptional and I wish WoW had something like it.

EDIT: Also the housing neighbourhood system was great. Where you and your friends could occupy a neighbourhood together. Fun stuff. The actual housing itself was hit and miss though imho, the amount of stuff you could put in the house was very limited.


I never sadly got into the Lotro RP scene, and the game even with the updated system looks kinda dated and has a smaller playbase. But it’s wonderful with it’s implemention of those RP mechanics. I also particularly adore the instrument system and how it allows you to also play completly crafted songs and tunes.

The levelling in lotro also felt very old-school adventure-y. My only complaint on that part of the game is that the “main” storyline pmuch has you travel across the entire world every single objective and tried to steer you towards buying mithril coins for fast travel.

It’s an amazingly crafted game for RP, and quite fun to play but rough around the edges somewhat in some parts, and kinda tiny playerbase. But its still something I recommend to people to try.

It was too rough for my liking even when it was current. I hated in particular the death system where you auto respawned at the nearest graveyard which could be miles away.

But the RP scene was definitely boopin’, if you could discount the Elves hanging out in the Prancing Pony in Bree.

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I have fond memories of LOTRO RP, but by the time I first checked it out (in 2015) there wasn’t much of it left. I imagine it’s even less prominent now.

(There is also the issue that Laurelin is even less friendly to my timezone than AD is.)

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