Pet Peeve: Wrath

My Skyrim could probably do with a clean reinstall tbh

But Oblivion was a pain in the backside to mod

Flashing back to when I spent a few hours modding it, it CTD after the Emperor showed up in the prison and I could not figure out how to fix it or what mod was causing it, so I just ended up getting fed up and uninstalling the entire game.

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I’ve modded skyrim a whole bunch from steam workshop, mostly things like updated towns or other improvements to make the game a little less barren in some parts.

But I don’t think I have ever modded oblivion, Fallout 3 or New Vegas. I just never bothered/felt like trying.

Oblivion is a paradox, with mods it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played.

But modding it is a PITA compared to Skyrim and requires about three different applications and a knowledge of how to partially mod it yourself to make stuff fall in line and not crash the game.


I see!

Yeah, I like my mods to be simple. Steam workshop stuff is usually. I think the games ive had most mods installed on are Darkest Dungeon, Stellaris and CK2. And Skyrim as well.

Oh, terrific. My PC (or one part) might be dying. Quickly. Just my luck. If I had a shilling for every time my PC would cause issues I’d be at least 40+ shillings richer.

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You too?!

My motherboard went a good 6 months ago (at least, we think its the motherboard). Which is just a long line of things that have stopped working in my desktop.

Motherboard problems are never ever fun.

As said, we (being my more techy friend and myself) don’t know. I’d need somebody with parts to do a swap out to see what actually is broken, but the long and short of it is my computer just goes through a start up loop since the fan blew (replaced the fan).

But money.

Here’s a peeve:

I have a really epic lamp. I love it a LOT. Five skulls make the shade and the post is a spine and you get the idea.

WELL. Whoever designed it put the on/off switch… next to the plug.

Needless to say every time I reach under my desk to switch it on or off I really bash my head.

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Prefferably, the switches should be either on the lamp itself, or on the upper end/middle section of the cable if it’s a long cable.

Not that.

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It’s riiiight at the end and I hate whoever engineered this.

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Peeve: people who put the toilet paper roll facing the wrong direction.


i agree!


When the person has pets who like to play with toilet paper and therefore like to unravel the whole thing.

Pets can’t help it, being silly animals but there’s no fixing the deliberate flaws of man in stubbornly insisting on falsehood and wrongness.

If only one could blame the roll on a playful cat but this is all the work of wickedness.

Peeve is my PC freezing up.

As it’s been doing since I got it. Oh well. It was mainly fixed. Used to freeze up a few times a day. Now it’s just once every few weeks.

AC: Odyssey is the first game in a while to push my PC to it’s limit, I can’t max out everything and in cities I go below 15fps. Didn’t stick to 60 until everything was on Medium, ick.

GTX980 must be slowly on it’s way out in prowess…

Your mistake was playing a Ubisoft game.


I woke up too early and couldn’t fall back asleep. Now there’s nothing to do. Boring.


Eh, I’m finding it a lot of fun. After some research the game is built so that ‘Medium’ is more akin to High, and ‘High’ or ‘Ultra’ are for either godlike top end computers or ‘Good’ computers in a few years, the visual differences aren’t that stark unless you’re playing at 4k. Managing to run it fine at 60fps on Medium-High now!