The cat has an increased appetite.
Which is good because he has hairballed every day for the past month.
Just he’s now eating more food and is whining at me and the house mate to feed him more.
The cat has an increased appetite.
Which is good because he has hairballed every day for the past month.
Just he’s now eating more food and is whining at me and the house mate to feed him more.
I’m losing heart to keep this up I’m sorry
Sounds like you need more food to give you energy.
Visio conference classes are incredibly… Boring. You can also tell that the boomer teachers can’t be arsed themselves either but their salary is at risk so they put up with it anyway.
I just do gaming and occasionaly speak while the class is going on anyway, it’s not like I have a webcam either or they can force me to use my smartphone either.
ain’t that the truth
Just wait for them to pull their TV into frame on their webcam and tell you that you’re gonna watch a movie today and then they put on Terminator 2 (because that’s what my teacher put on when he couldn’t be bothered to work)
sadly no such luck on my end.
I got sent a work sheet and told to hand it before the day is over or I will get a mark, which is bad as it would seem my graduation will depend on each assignment they are giving us.
I wish I just had to sit and listen, at least that why I could do something more fun.
Pet Peeve: people in positions of pseudo-authority protecting known menaces to the realm community
Your teacher knows what’s up… And that we kids are more tech savy than them and can pretty much get away from their classes if we put our minds into it.
In that vain, my peeve is that I am ignored by the mods
your comment and whoever it was who gave the step by step on how to abuse the system, your comments were deleted but mine? nah let it stay.
not the first time I somehow get away with things the rest of you don’t.
i got news for you, if i feed him anymore, he’ll become one of those fat cats and nobody wants that.
Literally everybody loves chonky lads :v
Its unhealthy though!
Spoiler for the expac after Shadowlands, still in pre-pre-pre-pre-pre Alpha.
What did Ion mean by this?
jaina starts to sing mulan’s “i’ll make a man out of you” to alduin
Why would you post something so controversial yet so brave?
Have you tried live chat or a call?
Speak for your own.
Lets go to Nightmare of Mensis when I have 35 insight because i have nothing to spend insight on (until I kill Micolash).
The frenzy is not going to be fun.
EDIT: Maybe I should save it until after Wetnurse? This isn’t my main, I don’t HAVE to do the whole DLC before killing her (for lore reasons).