Pet Peeve: Wrath

It feels like cheating, although slightly less cheating than it does on Micolash.

I actually just threw Micolash in a locker with Chikage.

He didn’t get to do anyrthing, he got his behind handed to him.

I am forever angry at myself for accidentally (Don’t ask how. it was a weird day in many ways) going to NG+ in Bloodborne before getting the sword in the Double Shark Room.

I’ll forever be peeved that the Burial Blade in Bloodborne can only be gotten from the “last” boss and it’s my favourite weapon, so I can’t even use the damn thing until NG+.

My peeve is that the EU client doesn’t include a random character name generator like the NA client.


As someone who came over from the US servers, this still baffles me as I used it frequently to help me generate character name ideas.

Use the PTR one then come back.

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Ouch! That sucks.

Yeah, that sucks, I have a skill/arcane character that i’ll just rush Gehrman with and then I’ll do the whole DLC with the Burial Blade. i’m using Blades of Mercy on said character at the moment.

Fuse boxes. One I used to have to deal with was in an easy to reach head height position. This new one though, it’s a stupid corner position, floor height, in the back of a pitch black cupboard and the labels are faded so even when you can get into position to reach it, actually working out what does what is a bit of a bother.

I’m 90% sure the people who used to live here were cats.

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I read somewhere that they did it so that the generator doesn’t accidentally suggest some vulgar words in European languages. Not sure how true is that and I don’t remember where I got that information from.

Watching Clone Wars last season. The latest episode is set right before/during the opening of Episode III. It makes me a bit sad, all those jedi and a lot of clones are about to kick the bucket.

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I’m holding a raffle on forums, feel free to join everyone.


I know I’m complaining about a good thing but… I have to say I’m disappointed in the decision to have a 100% reputation buff instead of the exp buff going forward. I get that it’s good for people who haven’t unlocked allied races but other than that it’s quite useless tbh. I mean it excludes the Rajani and Uldum accord anyway.

Edit: turns out it’s only for Legion and BFA factions so quite useless outside allied races indeed.


Don’t forget that it looks like AR rep requirement are removed come shadowlands.

Maybe I’ll finally get around to bothering with Legion’s faction mounts.
Probably not.

Another proof that those guys don’t really think things from a Player’s perspective.

The XP buff should have been continued.

Yeah, I didn’t really get to use the XP buff much. Didn’t have much time to actually play WoW as a game.

Not that I have any characters I’m in any hurry to level. On the contrary, I’d rather level my nightborne through BfA at the intended pace so I’d actually see most of Zandalar’s story before I hit 120.

What if…XP buff but also rep buff? And also all reps instead of not all reps?

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The 8.3 reps are excluded as well.

That would require a functioning brain at Blizzard’s HQ to make such suggestion.

Unfortunately there’s now even more of a shortage of good brains due to the Pandemic.