Pet Peeve: Wrath

How many Ritual Blood 3s do i need to do all the non-root chalices?

looks it up

Nearly 40.

Real pet peeve that’s putting me off today:

  • maximum 10 instances per hour account wide
  • raids count towards that cap
  • legacy raids also count towards that cap, and legacy raids should have a reduced CD.

Admittedly, this is a little more than a pet peeve. This is in fact infuriating that in a game with 7 expansions you can only do 10 dungeons per hour. Per account.

It’s surreal how Blizzard punish their own players for playing their games.

There’s literal 0 downside to removing these restrictions.

“Oh no, they wanna play our games.”
“Can’t have that.”


Slow down the rate at which people acquire transmogs → Slow down the rate at which people run out of stuff to do → Slow down the rate at which subscriptions are cancelled

I don’t think that argument holds water when legacy raids have drop-rates for mounts nerfed. And I think it’s a fringe community that runs raids for transmog and for completions’ sake.

But suppose it was a relevant argument. They keep piling on new content, no? It’s a never-ending race.

Yes. Because they never want you to unsub.

Blizz actively make the game less easy to complete to keep you playing longer so they get more money. That’s the entire reason for legacy loot for Legion not being added until the end of BfA instead of the start.

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What do you mean? Slowing down the rate at which people acquire mounts leads towards the same result: People running out of stuff to do at a slower pace, and thus (presumably) slowing down the pace at which people unsubscribe.

You don’t have to be a completionist to grind legacy transmogs. Maybe you just want a particular piece, maybe you want a particular set. :man_shrugging:

Not everyone will be interested in every piece of content, though. I, for example, am disinterested in most Cataclysm gear, so I’ll not farm much of that. I do, however, like a lot of Vanilla gear, so I might farm the likes of Ahn’Qiraj or Dire Maul. And by slowing down the rate at which I can do those instances, well…

Let’s say for the sake of the argument that there are some people who stay subbed for the sake of old transmog and mounts. The transmog is still quite easily accessible, as the drop-rates are high.

The mounts are nerfed into the ground, 1%.

Now let’s look at who doesn’t stay subbed for transmog runs alone: me and countless others.

Both sides of these coin run old raids for -something-. For me it’s a mount, as the transmog came quite quickly (how can it not with 30+ chars running it). But the mount is 1%. I care about the Fiery Warhorse Reins from… Karazhan. I’ve been farming it for… 8 years. Haven’t seen it drop since. I don’t sub just for that.

On the flip side, people who still do engage in these sort of activities don’t go for -all- raids. They pick and choose. I think it’s a fallacy to assume that all transmog & mount collectors who run old raids are interested in all old raids.

For example, invicible or ICC and stuff like that doesn’t interest me. Out of their body-of-work in the 16 years of the game, it’s only down to Kara. But it’s still not enough to make me resub.

That’s the problem, this is a presumption that… honestly idk how relevant to their actual sub numbers it is.

Isn’t it to predominantly stop bots from wracking up huge amounts of gold to sell?

It is very obvious for them though that overall, it doesn’t matter much if you are enjoying yourself, or if you are even activly playing. You could play for only 1 day a month, but as long as you got a recurring subscription as Elenthas said, they are happy.

It’s not about being subbed only for transmog. It’s about transmog being another thing keeping you subbed. Lots of things adding up so you can say “well I still have so much I want to do, I need to stay subbed”. With each thing you take off your checklist of goals you care about, you get closer to that unsub button.

If that was the case they could just lower the gold sell price of legacy content, but WoW’s gold economy is already basically broken and has been for many years.

I could see that argument before the token, but now there are way more efficient means to farm gold other than running legacy raids which – again – have their gold sell value reduced. I didn’t make my millions by running one dungeon non stop, and those who do bot (and should be caught) still do that to a lesser extent with herbs and stuff.

I’m still not convinced it bears any significance to thier non-collector players who are undoubtedly in the vast majority.

But seeing the 3 of you jump in the defense of a cap to limit all these things, be it for the reasons you enlisted or others, I’m willing to concede that there should be cap.

But should it be 10?

Im actually not for a cap at all, I think gameplay limitations and timegating should be completly non-existant tbh, but I know why it’s there, is my point. It’s a calculated business move.

Assumption much?

Nobody here agrees to it, they are just saying how Blizz probably sees it.

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Yep, I think it’s dumb, I’m just explaining why Blizz sees a downside to removing it.


So you do agree that there should be no cap, or maybe I misunderstood. Apologies if that’s the case.

Mind you that I, for one, am not defending the cap, but rather providing a potential explanation as to why it exists. If I could choose, I would rather it did not exist.

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No, i think its dumb.

Also, so does Elenthas;

Ah, I see. You think that the cap is not necessarily a good thing and would rather it not exist, but you think there are drawbacks when in fact I claimed there are none.

Yeah, that’s perfectly fine ofc.

Pumpkinhead is explaining why Blizzard has it, even if he doesnt agree with it.