Pet Peeve: Wrath

Fair enough.

Still, kind of felt out of the blue (pun intended). But as I said, no harm done. Still find it a bit weird though. I mean if Blizzard is going to be silent, unresponsive and unwilling to act regarding less pleasant topics - then they might as well stay silent completely and not post random epic maymays from 10 years ago.


There is a lot of ongoing talk on these forums about issues such as a large presence of bad-faith non-rpers harassing and belittling people trying to RP, or the issues of sexually explicit content being overlooked or ignored.
Would you be able to give us some insight that these threads and discussions are being heard as well?


I actually wonder if the mods see their forum notifications the same way we do. As in, if it shows to them that someone replied to their posts, gave them a like and so on.

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Blue posts showing their existence/reaching out a bit to this mostly automated/left to its own devices, part of the forums is welcome, but it would be alot better/best if it became more frequent in general and also alot more engaging/focused with concerns that are raised/actions against certain individuals that crop up.

So more serious posts as well weighing in on criticism/concerns would be wonderful, instead of those threads either going silent or swiftly locked and unlisted.

I would guess maybe? Because it makes sense in one way, but it would also mean probably hundreds of little messages, so there is probably a filter.

I cracked it, I keep seeing either Akamito or the blue typing, I got you figured out @Akamito


What did I woke up to…?

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The Law is returning to AD.

THe good one, lazy one or the corrupted one?

You scared them off! :frowning:


Well I’m hardly going to reply now you’ve outed me.


I am a big zandalari troll, ofc I scare people.

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Thanks, Vixi. You spoiled it.


I’m sorry, I had to!


A lot of posts are not appropriate to comment on as doing so would cause a bandwagon reaction devolving the thread away from the player side discussion, suddenly making it about “the blue.” It can even happen when interacting with positive posts/threads :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. Just because a post doesn’t have a staff member reply to it, doesn’t mean they aren’t being read or acted upon. We’re here, we care, and are listening.

In the event of in-game harassment, you’re correct though, please do report it in-game. If it’s forum rules being broken press the little blue flag below the offender’s post please.


If only this was actually effective, but I see no results from my reports so far, and some of them were pretty severe breaches of the ToS.


lotta karens in this thread


There’s a blue comment on my cat post!

I… don’t know how to feel.


That… makes sense, actually. Thanks for the reply and have a nice day, Rejuvithorn!


my newest peeve is that pet peeve thread is being derailed