Pet Peeve: Wrath

You will take your relics and Enjoy them.

You can’t make me, Duflex.

I might not mind as much if the relics were BoA and had their level restriction dropped so you could twink an alt’s artifact for legion leveling. :confused:

That would actually be really useful, yeah.

You know what, taking that D out of my name really hurts me and now all that hurt from all of you abusing me has built up.

Some of you guys are alright, don’t come to pet peeves tomorrow.


I always misread your name as Dudeflex by default.


That’s how I spelled it in my mind.
We should rejoice in having the Loa of Forums back.


I used to read it as Dudfex, completely missing the L.

I got better.


I wish Artifact abilities were still active while you leveling in Legion zones. Currently leveling my first hunter ever and it made me really sad when I didn’t actually received Hati at the end of the artifact questline…

Thorim: "You can keep my cool lightning wolf, little goblin. "

Me: “Really? That’s awsome! He will be my new best friend!”

Thorim: “Nah, just kiddin! LUL”


there were two blues in a certain (something Command) guild that were happy to abuse their position, and were also huge ERPers

certainly better than System popping in to make dial-up noises at us

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there’s a questline in BfA that culminates in letting you tame the different variations of Hati :eyes:

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That would be amazing with the animal companion talent.

You don’t have 1 pet, you don’t have 2 pets, you have 3 pets!

Love how I can just sell anything to anyone in this game. Wrathion isn’t even trading with ordinary currency, he’s trading coalescing visions and corrupted momentos but he’s happy to buy my full bag of Legion raid epics from me for full price in gold.

What a champ.

My cape just jumped up to 40% reduction in sanity loss which is super cool.


My pet peeve is that she doesn’t know she’s beautiful - even though she’s reading this right now :flushed:


This post contains 100% soy.


wowhead seems to have fixed itself for me overnight so that’s nice

we may never know what broke it in the first place

I think GW2 did this quite nicely. Essentially, you got to pick out how your characters main story would be beforehand, without actually knowing the outcomes or what the choices meant (unless you had looked them up).

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Yes, it was a really well done personal story in my opinion! Wish WoW would implement this one day. :slight_smile:

My personal favorite faction to chose was the order of whispers for Tybalt alone.

I am quite sure that the guy that had trouble with the ghost cows is Dinky’s father (if you play as a charr).

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Are you mocking my salad dressing Mr. Blizzard?