Pet Peeve: Wrath

Ash or get out.

Blood is the lamest.


What, can’t hear you over my giant Tanks.

Although we can agree on the Blood statement.

That is the Ash Legion way.
Or… Order of Whispers. But we don’t mention them.

I never got that far into GW2’s story, I got a character(Asura engineer) to lvl 47 and I also played some Path of Flames.

The PvP was very very fun, and I quite liked some of the gameplay and characters, but I found the main story’s bad cutscenes(Modelviewer characters infront of artwork backgrounds) very lacking, and after a while some of the “questing” experience in a few zones got dull.

I also found it a bit meh the way they lock whole story arcs unless you play pmuch activly, so for people who have fallen behind or new players, half the story content is either behind a paywall, OR exclusivly locked for those who bought/got it when it was available.

Imagine if Blizzard decided to permamently lock WoTlK zones/storyline or something from the game for people who didnt play it at the time, while -also- putting a paywall on random individual zones.

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I actually liked them, but I think it’s because they were fully voiced.

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Some of them were alright, but it took me out of it mostly. I did like their approach to cutscenes in Path of Flame though, basically interactable ones like we got mostly in WoW(npc’s talking & animated and you can move around and stuff.)

I don’t usually watch this guy’s videos, but this is a very pertinent topic.


Elenthas brought it up earlier and it is very true and very very annoying.

It’s a frustrating and downright insulting way to develop content.


all of this should have come out when the echoes of ny’alotha system came out to begin with, instead of giving us QoL improvements that take months to be fully completed

it’s a bit sad really

Can someone sum up what he said so I don’t have to watch thanks


He explains that Blizzard releases intentionally unfun systems on release that require high participation and only releases ‘fixes’ once participation drops. This is because Blizzard’s metrics only consider participation, not satisfaction. There is a pattern matching this. Legion legendaries, essences, now corruption. These systems were only ‘fixed’ long after they ceased to be central.


The downside of having a playerbase who complains about everything, all the time - I can’t fault devs for thinking that complaints about essence farming on alts belong lumped into the ‘nerf hunters’ box.

Obv some mistakes have been made - essences being a big one - but the idea of having a heavier grind to begin with that eases off over time is good game design. People feel accomplished to get to the cutting edge and unlock each stage, and then you introduce catch-up mechanics so that people aren’t subjected to weeks or months of grinding just to get to where people are playing.

The big change that needs to be made is to ensure that the unlocks are character-based rather than spec-based - azerite armour and legion legendaries punished you for wanting to play multiple specs, which was a problem.


You don’t see how the players pointing out that farming 50,000 honour, for example, on multiple characters is a bit excessive might be justified? One thing among many, obvious issues ignored despite mountains of feedback.

Obv some mistakes have been made - essences being a big one

I choose my words carefully and would appreciate it if you read them

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I don’t at all see how you still can give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt, after years of the same thing repeating over and over.




Best thing Blizzard could do is to let us keep the xp and rep buffs we got now, but for the entire game and into shadowlands.

It’s made very tedious thing feel more fun.

Because he agrees with me in this instance he’s correct.

I fully expect to see things like this in Shadowlands - keep an eye out for hints of it on the beta.

I mean, I can blame them for that. They’re eight expansions deep at this point, and the difference between “this grind is excessively punishing to alts” vs. “nerf x class” should be clear to any designers.

There’s no way in hell that the designers don’t know how long, roughly, grinding 50k honour takes. They know players have alts - hell, they actively encouraged it in Legion with the feat of strength along with a bunch of other things.


Have we kept the rep buff? I’d heard they were getting rid of that the Monday just gone?

(not the level buff, JUST the rep buff)

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They decided to keep both indefinatly/until shadowlands or corona comes out/expires.

Atleast, I had the rep buff today when grinding mecha rep on my rogue for Blingtron.