Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

At least I have a friend. :disappointed:

Okay… bye Shep I guess?

Javik was a mistake, completely dissonant with the image of the Protheans presented in ME1 (which I regard as having the best lore in the series). Not to mention his ability is basically space magic that would be more in place in something like Star Wars than in a (relatively) more grounded universe that Mass Effect is.

(I never played with him myself, because day one DLCs are a scummy move.)


The Prothean statues in 1 looks like lovecraftian humanoids, and in 2 it was heavily implied the collectors were warped beyond physical recongintion.

Then Javik looks identical to them as a bug man. Just with no glowing eyes.

I was more referring to the characterization of Prothean culture conveyed through Javik, not appearance. I don’t mind the retcon of them basically looking like uncorrupted Collectors, it makes sense.

Related peeve: people spelling the names of ME species with a capital letter (Asari, Turian, etc.) while official media pointedly don’t do that, so it’s asari, turian, etc. With exactly two exceptions for the precursor species: Protheans and Reapers.

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I will agree that Prothean culture from what we learn via Javik seems a bit… off. And also pretty boring honestly. I know they make a point he was born a soldier under the wars but still.

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Going to go play some Dark Souls 1.

Not feeling FF ATM.

perhaps will come back in an hour or so and continue through The Peaks on my Highlander.

That minute where your miracles do more damage than your sorceries because you have Velka’s Talisman but you don’t have Logan’s Staff yet.

Love Javik, one of the best companions added after ME1.

I loved the Draenor Arakkoa, their architecture, environment and design is so cool.

Still sad Blizzard so thoroughly denied us them :frowning:


Basically all the Draenor stuff that wasn’t Iron Horde (and even a fair bit of the orc stuff that was tangentially) or Legion related was so cool.

Yeah, Draenor as an expansion had its troubles (to put it mildly…) but to just throw it all away feels like such a waste.

They aren’t going to un-one-legion the setting, or un-alternate-timeline it. So we could at least have kept the cool zones and races!

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Utter pie-in-the sky here, but I’d be quite happy for a full tear down.

We did it, we mucked the timeline up so horribly that there’s no saving it, we dead-ended it. One last epic throw down with the Forces of the Cosmos, and there’s enough Stuff Exploding for the remnants of the Bronze Flight to absorb it all and spit it, and us, back out.

The Third War is over. The world is still in one piece. Arthas Menethil has vanished, there’s a tentative peace between the Horde and Alliance (mostly) and adventurers have started going back out into the wilderness.
Only, this time, we can do things better.
(And in HD graphics, it’s not 2004 anymore! Meh at the current Cosmic Power trend…)

I fear that even a timeline reset won’t fix it all now. Cosmos has been too explored. Merely turning back the clock isn’t enough.


Worst Trust character available.

She’s that too.

Then again, I was tanking with Alphinaud as healer and… never again.

If you have both, she’ll help heal if you get too low.
But Exarch and Urianger both have hots, which are superior.

Between Leo and Mjoln tanking, I died more times on Mjoln than i have on Leo.

Reason being? Leo has Urianger as his dedicated healer and Mjoln had Alphinaud. Alphinaud can’t keep up, making him also a terrible trust.

I can’t say I’ve died, but I have seen noticeable drops with shield boy.

Alhpinaud seems to twiddle his thumbs occasionally when I was levelling him and sometimes i was out of CDs and i’d die.