Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

Do not fear power. Fear those who wield it.

But honestly I was in the same boat until I started using it more regularly. With fire you can have rune of power up a good chunk of the time between regular casts of it, plus getting a free one with combustion. But with frost (for me at least) it does feel a lot clunkier.

I did a bit of tinkering with my frost conduits (and upgraded my legendary), and now I’ve gotten to:

3,971 DPS

Night Elf Frost Mage

So that’s nice.

Affliction in terms of current performance.

The main issue with both specs is that you have to go Night Fae to counter the one weakness we have (on demand mobility, gateways and circles are things you setup for fights/specific scenarios) and if you’re not a fan of that covenant you’re out of luck. According to rio I’m the only Kyrian warlock on the realm who’s above the 1k threshold for example.

You also have to accept that M+ groups will take boomkins, mages and hunters in almost every situation unless you heavily outgear the key you’ll be doing. In raids you get the healthstone/gateway spot and again get invited if you outgear the content/have experience. This becomes a smaller issue if you’re raiding or doing dungeons in a guild or community.

Playing Destro on top of that boils down to not mentioning you’re actually playing Destruction and hope everyone thinks you’re playing Affliction. It’s been a deterrent for me whenever I decided to do PvE.

My dream is that Affli’s top performance will result in it getting nerfed by 9.1 and Destro getting buffed to be a top spec again. At least its rotation (braindead as it may be) can be satisfying with shiny numbers and visuals.

Torgast Peeve: Getting Frostchipper less than I want to as a frost mage.

Speaking of frost mage peeves, I hate the definitely real and no proof ot the contrary will ever disusade me phenomenon that is icy veins disabling your fingers of frost and brain freeze procs.

Pre and post icy veins, procs here, there, and everywhere. But during? Barren. Proc drought.

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All this talk about warlocks, their specs destro and affli, but not a single mention of demo.

Guess that just about says it all. :frowning_face:

also wouldn’t this be Pet Peeves: Cataclysm?

Since the last one was Wrath.

Oh damn… so if it is all about performance… Affliction and covenant?

Affli and Night fae tbh, Kyrian can be considered a decent alternative.

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Thank-you, I will certainly look into it.

Which is annoying, since Icy veins lasts longer if you can spam out procs.

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If we’re peeving over specs and all that, then my ultimate peeve is blizzard making SV a melee spec and more or less gutting it on ST this expac.
Make your damn mind up on the spec or return it to range.

Also I will still die if it means I get instant aimed shot or at least castable while moving back.

it’ll happen, for I am not one to learn my lessons and love to fight


I didn’t mind that it became the melee spec for hunters, but I didn’t like what they did to it in BfA. It feels less melee-ish these days and more about “random bulls***, go!”

Makes it hard for me to enjoy.


My main issue with it becoming a melee is they rewrote a long standing lore character out of what he was, it’s a melee in a class with ranged options and an enviroment with limited ranged options and all new classes/specs we’ve seen added have been melee, but lastly which is just my bias is it removed my favorite spec and I’d have to play on private or lord forbid classic to have it back.

I enjoy Melee SV don’t get me wrong, but if I could I’d have it back as ranged in a heartbeat.

Also it’s not viable in raids atm, too low ST DPS so I can’t even meme my way to the top :pensive:

I exclusively play melee. Tried survival and hated it. It’s so… ick. Just ick.

If the lesson is “an online video game forum is an inappropriate place to harass wannabe fascists” then it’s not a lesson I want to learn

That being said, I don’t think I ever get in trouble for those topics. I just get suspensions for really random and innocuous posts

For me, being a fairly casual player (Normal Raid tier is my home :fist:) means that Survival is kind of fun! My main goal is to create pleasant mogs and appearances and the idea of being a mail wearer using two-handed weapons is kinda neat.

-Ideally- it’d be a one handed and ranged weapon class, using pistols and hand crossbows, but my dreams will never be recognised.

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Extremely relatable.

I got suspended for quoting the guy I was arguing with’s post. And he didn’t. These mods man.