Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

And yet Thunor was left out. SMH can’t even pagan right.

Too bri’ish for me. Same as Thor. Dang off-brand isle norse…

Nonono they’re totally different, yes they’re both hammer wielding thunder gods from European paganism but Perun is a slav and Thor is a swede

Big difference, absolutely HUGE

And Thunor used an AXE!

The British was a Scottish idea. You have them to blame.

Unless you mean the Welsh. Then yes. They can go be quiet in the corner.

this implies the Welsh do anything other than sit quiety doing nothing

name one achievement of wales in the past 1000 years, just saying.
(no hate to wales I love the country so much I love visiting and I love your natural sites)

I’m glad you can admit the truth.

But yeah part of my Anglo-Saxon hobby history-ing was delving into the pre-christian stuff and it’s super interesting. Especially given how it stems from that same shared ancient pantheon of indo-european myth. Sky god, thunder god, etc etc

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Got my first needle stabbing today

Arm hurty

Don’t sleep on that side for a few days or it’ll hurt more.


I love the history of Britain/Ireland so I can relate. I always love reading about pre-christian england and english celts too. Especially since near where I live there is a lot of old history involving Dumnonia.

I love Pagan faiths too, they’re so interesting to read about. One of my horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 is actually named after the Irish Pagan Goddess Brigid.

them’s just the Britons. They turned into the Welsh, Cornish or fled to Brittany when the Anglo-Saxons ( English ) took over and completely dismantled the Romano-British way of life in like, a single generation.

Which is incredibly interesting to me. And the pre-christian faiths genuinely interest me too. None of it even seems that unnatural to do in the context of the lives people led then. Wanted rain? Make offerings to Thunor. Going into battle? Wodan. Sailing? Wayde.

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held onto a unique language despite centuries of colonialism, including literally and systematically beating it out of children


cymraeg is also funny sounding so that’s an achievement on its own

This was peeving me too, as well as the likes of Grung Zint being miles from the other Dwarf settlements in the region, and often controlled by the Empire or Bretonnia.

I picked up a settlement trade mod, and it works wonders. I’m currently helping reclaim Estalia while Belegar is bashing Skaven heads in (a very nice confederation, that one) and will use it in future to sort out half-owned areas of interest.

Better quality.

Surprised and happy that the Chaos Warriors weren’t worfed to make Kislev look cool. Didn’t expect that at all.

Also becoming Argentinian in large numbers.

I was working my way through a Vlad campaign but seriously something in the Empire AI makes it go wonky. Had Franz run across the breadth of the empire just to raid me, and then when I smashed him I now have to play a continuous game of whack-a-mole as he drops two full-stack armies on a settlement right before it gets walls while I spend all my money on rebuilding

and this is with Vlad having up to 96% ward save, 100 armour and double regeneration

Clearly you need more vargheists.

[glances at the latest empire armies to come my way]

need more blood knights, but I can’t build the building that lets me recruit them because I’m having to build up more stacks aaaaaaaa

No make vargheists.

Isabella von Carstein get off sax wolf’s account immediately