Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

got myself some bedtime reading

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Watership Down is still a ride of feels despite it being many, many years old


Honestly it’s a good movie and based on a true story too; don’t envy what those soldiers went through in Mogadishu.


I look at the camera and give it a small but mischief filled smile.

Yeah but ‘Fantasy Souls’-like might be decent. That trailer was beyond garbage but I’ll give the demo a shot (it’s out now but I think it’s ps5 only??), team ninja knows how to make a good action game.

It really peeves me that Square is having Eidos Montreal create another bland Marvel game. Just let them do Deus Ex, jesus.

Just betting that beth will fart out a Skyrim 10th anniversary edition with some minor tweak.

I wanted to draw today but anxiety said no. So I just added some music to my art specific playlists and did some work on a small sketch.
I will put the day down as successful.

I did not sleep tonight :slight_smile:


Existence is suffering.

My sleep deprived brain agrees with this assessement.

“You don’t need to do X”
Me - “its for Y”
“I’ve run this dungeon 200 times!”
Me - “I’ve been running it since ARR”

They shut up after that.


After many hours of grinding, I have finally unlocked the rank that lets me buy my own room in our Free Company’s house.

…now I have an empty room


buy the two autumnal ginkgo trees and one maple leaf pile I’m selling on the market board to decorate your new room :slight_smile:

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Congratulations on not being homeless anymore! I bought a house again a week or so ago and now sinking all my income into furnishing. Sucks that all your stuff is only stored for about a month after the demolishing. So much money and furniture was lost when I quit… Glad I stuffed some into my retainer beforehand at least.

I’m a carpenter, so if you need some things made (up to lvl 60ish), get the mats and hit me up :>

Meanwhile, hit level 70 the other day, time for a new glam:

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Send it to me. :pleading_face:

What the-

Peeve: Excessive accents in RP.

A little bit of it can work well, especially for races like trolls. But when it becomes annoying to sift through the distorted words for their meaning, it’s probably too much.


Remember the days when everyone used “Tongues” addon for Draenei or Gilnean accent.

It was very hard to read.


I never got that. If you need to use an addon to visualise your character’s accent in writing, because you’re either lazy or just don’t know how to do it properly, why bother in the first place?? Mentioning that your character speaks with x accent somewhere in your profile is more than fine, at least then people won’t have to squint their eyes and get a headache because of whatever garbage that addon spits out.


Finished Mass Effect 2. Great game. Now with the DLCs included it’s even better.

From the top of my head the only peeve I have with it is:

The Reaper IFF mission, where the game just throws waves of husks at you for every five steps you take.

insert gif of Ron Swanson nodding in approval


Related to your peeve I also find the Praethorian minibosses that shows up through the story at different points kinda annoying. Mainly because of them just being time-wasters.

All of the husk enemies are generally more frustrating than fun/challenging to me.