The Batarian bartender
I’ve got a sword and shield. Shield feels like a necessity in two v one so I don’t get insta killed. I’m spending most of my time moving so I don’t get flanked, and trying to focus one target down but it’s hard going.
I’ve done some combo training and learned master strike from Bernard.
I have instead settled on painting my old metal Gil Galad.
Yeah, keep moving. It might seem silly but you have to try and keep circling around them and keeping them in your view. It turns into a waltz through the entire forest sometimes, but it is what it is. If it doesn’t work out and i had a checkpoint recently, i usually just try to snipe or stealth kill one after relad if I’m fighting a pair.
Unrelated, but when you meet a priest in a village somewhere to the north, do help him with what he asks you. Arguably the most entertaining quest I’ve ever completed in any game.
I got lucky with one ambush where I accidentally backed into a river and they followed me in and immediately surrendered.
Always fight near a river.
Fight like a real reprobate and just kick enemies into water
me remembering suddenly that i can kick people
The best way to do it is focus on one. If you can, back against a wall, into a building, past a fence, around a tree, anything you can. If you have armor on, you do not need to worry so much about swords or axes. Only maces, clubs and polearms are dangerous to you.
Also, the game is very turtly. It’s in general better to turtle more and attack less and just get master strikes to instakill people.
Focus people in the following order:
- people with less/no armor
- People with bluny weapons/polearms
- against multiple armored opponents, NEVER initiate an attack, always master strike.
Drink it up pal
Also if you can help it, always initiate combat with a few well placed arrows. You can usually fire off like 2-3 good shots before they get close enough to you.
Sneaking is also an option during night time, but you have to practise it a lot beforehand that it becomes reliable.
Yesterday I had a quest to kill two bandits for Ginger, and the first two times I took them both on and got horribly wrecked.
Third time I took a shot at the unarmoured one with an arrow, who then ran off in a panic. Killed off boy number 2 easy peasy and then later got a notification that the other guy was dead, probably a slow death from the arrow.
Felt very satisfying.
It’s always fun after you commit war crimes with Henry and he follows it up with “I feel quite Hungry” lmao
FYI, if you want to make good money early, go hunting/poaching. Deer, Roe and boar specifically pay very well.
At start you can carry only maybe 1 or 2 meat stacks. Load them on you and your horse, sell them at the butcher/huntmaster in rattay. Go back to the stables, invest into a good horse (Trojan is VERY good, esp. If you chose pack mule) /saddlebags and horse eguipment first.
After that you can stack like 4-5 carcasses on and then go back to rattay to sell them. If vendor money hasn’t returned yet, you can go to the other towns to sell the meat to butchers and general shopkeepers/huntmasters.
This is all illegal of course so if a guard asks to search you, just bribe them.
After like 4 or so farms you should have enough money to buy yourself a good set of armor and other eguipment. A kettle helmet is a good compromise of protection but you still have full vision. I personally like the bascinet.
pure boy henry would never
Still have to watch out for bleeding. The strike itself may not hurt as much, but if it bleeds you, you’re then on a timer and even winning the fight might leave you to die if you got no bandages.
There’s a trait that helps with that, and its always a good idea to carry a few bandages.
Yes but if i have to choose between bleed perk and drunk fighting perk, the choice is obvious.
Oh and whatever you do. night.
And NEVER fast travel through a forest. You will get jumped by like 8 Glasgow football hooligans and die.
I’m too scared to even go out at night let alone fast travel in it
average minecraft player
True and real