Pet peeves: The return (Part 11)

nothing good thats for sure. its always a slippery slope. “Just one generated meme. Just one piece of character art.” and then…

I’m mortified that the teacher was A-okay with it too.

That is…so so wrong on too many levels. Do we not want people to be able to create for themselves anymore or is just stealing someone elses work to frankenstein into your own the a-level standard we want now?

Its setting a precident.

I have seen other teachers be horrified that they can’t get their students to stop using chatGPT to do their essays.

You saying yeah is NOT HELPING TEACHER

Its why out of spite I am happy to give my input fully

EDIT: But since I am not being financially recompensated for this (I knew i wouldn’t be don’t worry). My friend has to sit in a call with me and watch my painstaking process with a mouse because I can draw a straight-ish line better with a mouse than a tablet.

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BioWare layoffs. :confused:

Nik naks (the crisps) are now offensively bland. They used to have a remote kick to them but now… may as well eat sawdust really.

Not necessarily a peevee, just something I can’t fathom to understand. Especially when it keeps happening, time and time again.

I read almost every single week about cases where parents/soon to be parents (mostly women, sometimes men) get set aside in recruitment and in many cases TOLD that the reason they were not hired was because they got kids/are going to have some. Or they were fired because of it or their contract was not continued, etc.

That alone is aggravating itself. As most/all of you hopefully know, it is turbo illegal to do that and in 99%,99999 cases the workplace who does that, when they get taken to court over it they lose. Not only do they often have to pay anywhere between half a year’s salary/in some cases two year’s worth of reperations but also discrimination severence to these employees as well. Very expensive.

But the most bizarre and aggravating thing about all of this is that it just god damn keeps happening. How? Why?

Even if you lived under a rock all your life and somehow, someway, you missed all the news about telling about cases like these, you are still a hiring representative/manager in the business amd you would THINK THESE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN EDUCATED TO KNOW THESE THINGS.

And they still bloody do it. Every. Single. Time. Worse, sometimes it’s literally women who have had kids in the past doing it to other women!

This happened to a family member of mine a few years back in a hiring process, she won the case and actually even got the job so all was well in the end, but i just can’t understand how does this keep happening.

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It’s been my experience that a lot of management are very much in their own bubble and often extremely arrogant. I know the head at my school will hear about an issue, speak to the staff member and then make an entirely false narrative in her head that ends up confusing things.

And her hiring practices aren’t much better given everybody she’s hired since the last assistant head left has been terrible.

If her attitude carries on with managers in other sectors then ‘blindingly incompetent and/or arrogant’ is probably at least part of it.


I have been sucked back into Once Human.

Which means my NB cowboy has more skin on show than before.

I read that the entirety of the original Dragon Age team is now gone - every single person.

With Bioware supposedly being a “one project at a time” studio now, seems like the Dragon Age has ended. I’d wager they’ll aim for another new IP after ME5 if they still exist. No baggage to handle that way.


i’m sure twitter is going to be ablaze with this


I’m dreading the idea that after ME5 they may just shut down the studio. And, of course, the people to blame are totally fine. :roll_eyes:

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grifters about to call this a victory in the ongoing woke wars

reality is it’s a game that took far too long to develop and just didn’t have the momentum it needed

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they already are while im mourning the loss of what should have been one of the best fantasy game series thats ever been. veilguard was doomed on arrival and not because “oh no game woke oh no NON BINARY.” it was because it was pulled apart in too many directions over too long a development and EA acts shocked when it doesnt sell a bajillion copies at launch.

someone said we may see the death of the game industry before 2030 and im genuinely starting to beleive it. what a miserable time to be into the hobby


However, we are getting a lot of neat indie games! Might be the time where games (except the juggernauts like CoD) just scale down.


If i had to wager, I’d say it’s because in their heads it ends up being cheaper/more reliable in the long run. Yes, even if they’re dead wrong.

This is the too bad for you*, got mine attitude. Being the only guy in otherwise all women’s work collectives on several occasions, i can confidently describe the experience as spying on a nest of harpies. Individually they were alright and in a 1 to 1 situation they’d be nice to eachother, but like clockwork phone calls and chitchats would happen where they’d fling :poop: behind eachother’s backs and sabotage eachother like they were still in a high-school hallway.
Mercifully i evaded all of that by simply not engaging in those games.

*Mod edit.


At this rate, who’s left to develop ME5?

Me, I will do it.

A return to form :pensive:

For me it was over when years ago the first concept art dropped of the Arlathan forest with what I assume were the proto veiljumpers with a bow that looked more like floating pyramids in the loose shape of a bow.

This game was heading in a direction I did not care for.

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I played it for about 5 or 6 hours and I didn’t not like it, but I also didn’t really like it either.

It feels like a different world from the one I enjoyed in Origins and 2. Inquisition also felt like a departure but it was close enough that I could still recognise it.

I will definitely return to it eventually, because I think there’s some good stuff in there worth seeing from what my friends tell me. But there’s other stuff I want to play first.

At the moment I’m back working my way through Last of Us 2 which now has it’s claws deep in me.