Pet peeves: The return (Part 11)

Continuing the discussion from Pet peeves: The return (Part 10) - #5022 by Jebanza-argent-dawn.

Previous discussions:

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that was a fast 5000. as you were.

celestial druid sucks. return to nature.


Both is good (circle of the stars slaps) but we do need to correct back

even in D&D, druids don’t have a great ‘i am nature and her wrath’ option except for shapeshifting, like there’s no Circle of the Storm despite them having all of the spells that Tempest Clerics borrow

Bomb-lobbing has been a part of Survival since BFA and I built Shog’s fighting style around the Survival kit, to the point where I briefly had a chart of wildfire infusion effects that I rolled on whenever he chucked a grenade, so I’m pretty attached to Survival’s current identity.

But even I have to admit that it’s a pretty weak identity. Almost every other specialisation out there commits pretty hard to a single theme, which is something that Survival lacks. It’s torn between rushing into close quarters combat with lots of gap closers and melee abilities, explosive expertise with the focus on explosive shot and wildfire bombs, and synergy with your pet that makes the spec feel a little like budget Beast Mastery.

If I had to make a choice, I would cut out the explosive and pet-focused abilities and redefine Survival as Predator or something like that, with the fantasy of being an inescapable huntsman who never loses sight of their prey, with lots of mobility and hybrid melee/ranged options. Maybe replace the bombs with chakrams or something similar.

But to be honest, I’m grown fond of the current identity of Survival, so I’m in no hurry for it to dramatically change.


perhaps one could double down on the ‘every strike ability is named after an animal’ and ‘i strike in perfect coordination with my pet’ abilities and call it something like Beast Mastery

re-define Survival as the lower-case-h hunter specialisation, using a pet alongside bombs, poison, traps, ambush tactics and barbed arrows, whatever it takes to debilitate and bring down prey

It’s great for my Mag’har Orc Hunter.

Hunter in general is looking Unsatisfying for my Nelf, options across the board :<

I like this druid in D&D for it’s vibe. But don’t love it as the only caster option for WoW

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glyph of the stars for current celestial flavour, glyph of the wildfire for flame druids, glyph of poison ivy for a keeper of nature vibe


yeah thats my own oppinion of it as well. its great in DnD and BG3 but in wow i do prefer the natures wrath vibe.

honestly only way id like the celestial vibe of balance rn is if they finally give me nightborne druids who perfectly fit the astromancy angle but i dont see that happening anytime soon

okay so it turns me into a maneater, pog


this would be an instant roll for me. thank you for suggesting it so now i can suffer knowing it will never happen


welcome to my hell chief

BFA when zandalari got monks instead of warlocks at release

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I quite like the moon and stars theme for balance druids.

Not enough to actually roll one mind, it just appeals to me. Would like some more jeepers creepers balance druid too though.

truthfully kings queens and monarchs.

my real druid goals is playable mechagnome druids who make G1 transformer noises when they shapeshift. idc if it makes no sense it speaks to my soul


I am once again demanding class skins and an extensive glyph system.

there is in my homebrew list :sunglasses:

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Goblin druids are both canon and cool as hell, imagine a dieselpunk druid weaving mechanics and nature together

[a soft chorus of ‘necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock’ sounds in the background]

you know not what you may unleash


I’d love Gnome and Goblin robotmancer druids but I feel like they’re one of the least likely druid options given the hefty art asset requirements.

My class alternate-flavour wish is Arcane Subtlety Rogue.

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I offer you Marksmanship Hunter’s Arcane Shot, so that Marksmanship can be rid of it’s weird arcane stuff when I would much rather be shooting my foes with NATURE.
(I used to spec into cobra shot just to get rid of Arcane LMAO)

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Vulpera druid where their Tree of Life form is a giant dancing cactus guy

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arcane shot has been removed and replaced with ‘arrow with a big boxing glove attached to it’

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