It’s only a crime if you get caught.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of these useless managers operated under the principle that they truly belief the person being fired isn’t going to start a case about it and just accept their firing.
If you go into it with the mindset of it NOT being a DA game and just being a Generic Fantasy Setting then its a decent 6/10 GoW clone.
I forgot you could vault over cover and chainsaw your enemies to death in Veilguard.
People break the law when it benefits them, or when it protects them from loss. In this case, they break the law in order to protect themselves from what they see as a potential loss of productivity that would see them penalised by upper management.
The reality is a lot of people see this sort of thing as logical, they don’t see it as discriminatory but as the reality of business. Nothing matters more than the bottom line in the workplace, so they can’t be blamed for prioritising that over adherence to anti-discrimination laws, right?
A lot of the victims also operate according to the “it’s just business” mindset and don’t understand what discrimination is, or how they are protected from it by the law. Hell, some of them just don’t want go through all of hassle and the legal trouble, especially if it might get them labelled as one of “those” people who causes a fuss over discrimination, which might impact future employment opportunities.
After all, a lot of employers are clever enough to avoid confessing to discriminatory practices and find other reasons for refusing to hire, or for laying off certain individuals. It’s not evil, they’re just putting the bottom line first and looking to keep their own jobs. The system encourages this behaviour.
Dragon age veil guard is a good game but a poor DA game. On replay I’m firmly on that stance.
And Neve still sucks and I wish a pox upon her house.
As a rl peeve the poor supply teacher, who in fairness was good just not willing to really step in, was put through the wringer today with no warning. She met y2 on their worst day of the week, as support, under the weakest member of staff leading the class during the day we practiced a lockdown drill.
Also had a new inexperienced lsa in there so… ok leadership team. Poor deployment much.
i wanted to marry her after a few hours, even if her voice over was a bit wooden
Hypothetically if you had to fill a job position and u had 2 applicants with the same skillset and ambitions/room to grow, that can fill said position. If one had just gotten a kid or is about to get one, and the other isn’t.
Hypothetically, what else are you going to base the decisionmaking on other than continuity in performing the required tasks?
I have successfully survived a trip to the city. Look at you nerds. Staying inside. Talking about games. Smh (I’m jealous, there were way too many people in the train on the way home)
Got stuff I actually wanted though so yay
Also dipped into the local asian grocer and took some yuzuka home
so kiryu coded that i read that as yakuza
Blythan now sits home drinking tea with 2 random yakuza gangsters who are nothing but very confused.
average yakuza sub story tbqh
Look at this hardened criminal:
It’s fine, this is way less confusing than your average side quest in yakuza games.
Dame da ne~
dame yo dame na no yo~
me when i cry alone in the shower
In the English dub, they have him also say ‘oh! he’s speaking English!’ and then he looks directly at the camera
comedy gold
The Japanese Ambassador to the UK is planting cherry blossom trees in parks/public spaces that ask for it.
Just a nice bit of news.
Is this before or after Majiima materialises in the shower steam
bro crawling up out of the shower drain somehow
he’s Truly Everywhere