Pet peeves: The return (Part 11)

I wouldn’t be opposed to one of the rogue dagger specs being replaced with a sniper-rogue spec.

Now that’s what I call concussive shot!

My friends throughout november everytime i start yapping be like

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friend of mine said the arcane watching order is season 1, then episodes 1, 2, 3 and 7 of season 2, and whatever you imagine the ending of the season is will be better than the ultimate execution

i honestly have a hard time disagreeing, once you look past the (obviously great) spectacle the messaging of the finale is all over the place and bad


It’s funny how BG3 is the closest I’ve managed to come near a D&D/Pathfinder offensive nature spellcaster, simply because there’s Shillelagh and Thorn Whip, and the Summon Vine spell. Pathfinder games didn’t even have those :sob:

I get that summoning a Solar or Ice Storm or whatever is Rule of Cool for D&Dheads, but c’mon let me be plant-based epic too!!! Why is Plant Domain giving u an annoying Entangle and nothing else :sob:

In WoW, Keeper of the Grove Hero Spec was their moment to reskin Balance with some plant-based attacks. But no, they get a sad green fart after they summon Treants.


I stuck with sv throughout DF and TWW.
Then decided to lvl a mage.

And man… is the cool-ness a world of difference…

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And again why the show needed that third season. 2 should have been dedicated to Zauns revolution. 3 should have been enough for the G L O R I O U S. E V O L U T I O N.


I won’t lie, I am concerned about the needle threading of the Noxus series when the conflict is between an outwardly fascist empire and the shadowy cabal ruling from the shadows

Like, it’s not just me hearing the echo brackets right


no, it really really isnt just you.

If the opensource Chinese genA.I. startup thing causes the A.I. slop market bubble to burst, I WILL be laughing my :peach: off :joy: please god…

that being said, I was also concerned about Dawntrail and that completely nailed the landing so I am happy to be wrong

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The ff9 fan in me always believed it would. I was heartbroken but not disappointed.

Lotro continues to be amazing.

Yes this is a peeve. I’m now spending money on it again.
Worth it? Yes. Painful to watch my bank balance shrink? Also yes.


I don’t think I’ve heard anyone describe Dawntrail as nailing the landing, more the opposite (strong start, complete nonsense the further in you go, the tone and message of the expansion completetely drowned out somewhere along the “british people doing really bad american accents” zone).

Reminds me quite a bit of Cataclysm honestly.

Nuked my stonks.

Not happy.

I hope this is a joke/bit, doubly so :confused:

all my apes gone.


Another day of not getting the one story I need for the last delve for its story achievement, which is the last one needed for the meta story achievement, which is the last one needed for the delve meta achievement.



Once more, you summon me. This is the 11th time. I am getting angy


had like 2 or 3 people recognise me on guild wars for my mog that i posted elsewhere. this is about as close to e-fame as im ever gonna get