The only animations I don’t really like on ninja are the kicks and flips in the main combo. I’d rather there was more stabbing. Also Naruto running during sprint… Yeah, miss me with that.
And here’s a trippy screenshot.
In the interests of balance though, my YouTube algorithm is great - it shows me the “Pulling this huge stone from a cow’s hoof; imagine the INSTANT RELIEF!” videos I never knew I wanted, but now can’t live without.
I love that! I wasn’t planning on playing monk anyway. It’s so stylish. (I am totally not biased because of For Honor’s shinobi having 4 different kicks her moveset)
Does it look different on the race you play? It’s not at all naruto running on my human.
The worst thing about the YouTube algorithm for me, is that someone would link me an Asmongold video and then for the next week my front page would be flooded with: “ASMONGOLD REACTS TO” videos
In fact now I think about it, maybe that’s the way to finally end the rampant political polarisation of our times - the algorithm works to unite left and right over satisfying footage of cow hoof surgery.
Love Biden or loathe him, surely we can all agree that cow experienced INSTANT RELIEF
In other news, Sandman is coming to Netflix and I realised that despite loving a lot of Neil Gaiman’s work I’ve never read it. So I’ve ordered the first volume.
I understand it’s tied into the DC universe, is that right? I know next to nothing about DC because I was never really into comics when I was a youngun.