I ended up creating a new character and thought about heading to Brill. But then it occurred to me…
Brill got destroyed in BfA, did it not? So I suppose it’s no longer a hub? If that’s the case, I have to figure where else my freshly risen undead could make his way to…
peeve: opponent resigning before my cool raid could even hit him in aoe2 was on islands, I was winning on the sea but he didn’t know about my secret stable on his island that I was about to commence the knight raid with…
Since the trailer for the expansion was a lie, so too was the events of the expansion.
Reality is whatever you decide it is.
Also I don’t remember if I complained about this before but an artist I like, who I ordered prints from even in the past, have their work on my wall, has gotten hard into NFTs and now their twitterfeed is just spamming the crap out of their dumb NFT stuff instead of really cool art.
I don’t wanna drop them because they are legit a good artist, but man is it obnoxious
Cant wait for COP26 to hit my city and have transport grind to a halt because of protestors who seem to have good intentions but due to my work I know for a fact two hospitals we arrange transport for (whether its patients or supplies) are going to be hit hard for two weeks along with various other issues cropping up (like the fuel scaremongering).
Motherload Mine, one of the fastest way to gain mining experience in Old School Runescape while remaining semi-AFK after you unlock the upper tier of the mine at 72 mining
But we’ll give you a visa! Just remember to bugger off back to where you came from before Christmas, because it’ll expire on the 24th of December. I mean, it’s not like we’ll need any HGV drivers after that point, right? 2022’s going to be the year of sunlit uplands, mark my works.
Recently there was a school shooting in the US. Yes, another one. In response the school banned backpacks altogether.
This is, of course, pretty ridiculous. They should have given those kids bulletproof backpacks in stead. Now their backs are unprotected from the next school shooter. Will nobody think of the children, please.