Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

Yeah your best chance to log in is at any point before like 15 server time. After that you can still squeeze in, but make sure you click around the screen every 25 min or so. After 18, you better plan your game time with 1-2 hour queue in mind.

3 out of 10 cryptlurker pieces for RDM.

Am I just putting them in the glamour dresser when i could be wearing them? You bet!

EW spoilers up to ~84

Finished the Garlemald part and it was everything I wanted it to be as far as lore dump is concerned. Playing a more somber garlean theme with vocals when Legatus commuted liven’t was an especially nice touch. I liked that version of the track.

Hit 90 on my alt and



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That song is one of the few from EW I like (that isn’t just background noise).

So far this one, Sharlayan night (and day tbh) and dungeon mid boss music are the pieces I like. I also just reached the first trial and this track is my fav one so far. I was waiting to hear it in full since the launch trailer.

I liked that trial track too and both battle themes are great.

Everything else is just background noise and I can see me not turning mount music off for alts.

EW Spoilers

Good thing I’m not the WoL, I’d be sassing Emet-Selch in Elpis until he set me on fire.

That bloody Shoebill has followed me!

I am running my first actual dungeon (also featuring a dragon) tomorrow and I am bricking it. What if they clear it in 15 minutes or all die. Aaaaaaaa

I unlocked DRG now and not only am I having fun, but also learning that only the “strongest and wisest” gets chosen as the Azure Dragoon just confirms they’re all dumb if Estinien had to be the chosen one before the WoL.


Estinien with his one brain cell has an infinite supply more than his former comrades


I can believe it, more so after finishing the EW MSQ.

I got lucky: I recruited a friend, for which one of the rewards is five gold chocobo feathers. I used them to buy soulbound versions of the black dye and that light blue dye I used for the walls in my apartment.

And you get the rewards once on every current and future character you create.

Space Marine 2, lets GOOOOOOO!




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the game awards were a thing again

Okay, I’ve done the Gridania intro on an alt. And I think I would have been much kinder to the game from the start if I had started there on my first character, instead of Limsa.

It didn’t help that back then I chose by far the most confusing starting class of those I’ve played so far, gameplay-wise. And the lore you get told when you join the Arcanists’ Guild is actually pretty interesting if you already have a basic understanding of the setting — but since it was my first class back then, all I got from it was “blah blah magic blah blah blah”.

With a little bit of grinding last night, I managed to bump up my parties stats just enough to survive and beat Jecht at long last. The ending of that game always gets me, although I’d forgotten about the scene where Yuna is standing on a dock whistling at the ocean which was an absolute gut punch.

Looking forward to now playing the excellent Final Fantasy 12.

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okay rinwell

This one?

I never heard not only of the character, but even of the franchise.