Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

If you need a further fix of Reaper just Google Fiddlesticks or Kayn

It’s just MM hunter without needing to stand still to cast AiS,

BRD tho

Still not leveled my archer into bard tbh so no experience with it

I’m not resubbing until after xmas probably, maybe late january depending on how I feel, which is why no Endwalker levels yet.

BRD is very close to what old ranged SV Hunter played like, and can do its whole rotation at range as well.
Just does less damage than MCH apparently, I wouldn’t know as I care little for DPS in this game atm

here’s my jobs atm, mostly unlevelled bc too much to do

Mildly amused that we both have DRK at 54.

Was that the one with Mecha-Naruto?

Mecha Naruto was in UNS Revolution (which I thought was very ‘meh’) and UNS4 Boruto DLC (which I haven’t paid because the amount of content for the price seems bad).

Hmmm, then I don’t think I have it
 lemme check (I have so many games I keep forgetting the ones I have xD)

Edit: I have it on the X-doos 3

Okay, need to ask a question for those who have completed EW;

Spoiler since its gonna mention where I'm at

Have i just missed the role quests somewhere? just finished Thavnair and keenly aware that either I missed being told where to get them or I haven’t been given them.

Especially because in ShB you get told about them right after doing Holminster Switch

EW Spoilers?

You unlock them im Rhadz-At-Han at lvl 85 and then you just have to pick them up from whatever NPCs you have to deal with. Ex I had to go to Doma for the first one and then return there to pick them up from Doma after.

If you just finished Thavnair you should have them unlocked, but they do pop-up when you go back as you do abit of back and forth all over.

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Ta much!

Peeve: In XIV, only a greyish black and a dirty white are normally available as dyes. Actual black, and clean white, are only available via the cash shop (and you buy limited uses). You can buy them on the market board too but they are obviously unsustainably expensive.

It’s a really big peeve in an otherwise fantastic dye system. Black and white are important colours!

You can get pure black from Zadnor/Bozja, FĂȘtes and ventures. White from HoH and ventures.

I am aware, but that doesn’t really matter. The droprate is low enough as to be unfarmable in practice. It’s more of a ‘you won the lottery, enjoy a few million on the auction house’ than a serious option to go in and obtain them yourself.

Love it when my retainer brings back some primo dye to throw up on the market board. :moneybag: :potato: :moneybag:


The Winter Express mode is back in Apex Legends which is one of my favorite ways to play the game, yet Halo beckons as well
 decisions, decisions

Level 89 before I leave the level 85 area, guess I should start doing dailies on RDM rather than get to 90.

EDIT: Also guessing this quest I’m on is the one to gain access to the role quests.

I get WHY its here storywise, but still.

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I am just gonna say about the dye discourse: other colours than White and Black exists and should be used more.

get an hour free to play a game. want to play ff14. login excited

4600 in the queue

Wait a couple weeks. I predict it will drop off hard, as all the people playing it as a single player RPG finish MSQ and drop off.