:widedespair: You mean…
Me posting horny people broke it apparently
if i wanted to see horny people i would simply download and launch final fantasy xiv
Word on the grapevine is a new expansion came out for it recently, but it’s still unconfirmed if this is the case.
Only EW gang will get this.
you love to see it
for some reason the page layout broke for the last 30 pages but now is back to normal
also god damnit, the two main cereal companies here are nestle and kellogg’s, or some very pricy nordic stuff
something something no ethical consumption so don’t feel bad but still
A wild Biden appeared!
Scratched one of my sores on my leg, opened it up. It has been bleeding for 20 minutes (slowed down now)
I wanted to go to bed 20 mins ago.
Wide-thread doesn’t exist if you just don’t scroll up again. Do not scroll up. It can not hurt you down here.
Oh you bet I love to see it.
If this is instead the Heat Death of Capitalism, instead of the universe? I’m 110% here for it, let’s hecking GO!
Edit: Also, finally got Halo re-downloaded (so I could play the campaign ‘free’ thanks to Gamepass) and… oh. I just…
Pauses to listen to the REAL music again
Yeah. Yeah, this is right.
Now, pardon me. I have to go flail madly at Suddenly Swarm levels of Banished forces (seriously, I pick a fight with a few grunts and then suddenly there’s a small army) with whatever weapons are on hand, before resorting to the grapple and whatever explosive barrels are around as the most effective weapons, because I guess just call me Donkey Kong!
Aside from the pixels, grape purple is also by far my most used dye.
out if intrest I checked the ff14 trial. so far first few quests are not voiced and there is just tons of reading around it. does it change?
The main story quests tend to have cinematics. A realm Reborn doesn’t have a great deal of voice until you get into it a bit. Heavensward onwards is pretty regular with it.
Which is probably for the better tbh.
In addition to what Aerilen said: The voice acting in ARR is pretty spotty in terms of how often it comes up and in its quality. Both issues get better with Heavensward. Side quests will however continue to be unvoiced (for the most part? idk).
Also prepare for a lot of cutscenes. And various flavours of flavour/chatter text. (Sometimes for worldbuilding, sometimes for… well it’s there.)
Been tempted to.give FF another, proper try.
Maybe next year; there’s gregorian chanting in my head, and an overwhelming urge to headshot aliens from across a base with nothing but a pistol~