Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

I’ll be glad if you do. I know it has flaws, I know the aesthetic and the gameplay clunks can feel off-putting at first. But in hindsight, I’m so glad I kept playing despite my initial misgivings.

And if you get interested in the RP scene, I’ll be glad to introduce you to it!

But don’t force yourself to play it if you find out you don’t enjoy it after all.

Incidentally, here’s something I made to celebrate reuniting with most of my guildies in FF after we quit WoW one by one:


The new EX trials are pretty good. Epic of Alexander also seems harder now.

…The last few months sure went by fast, didn’t they? That picture already feels old!

Goodness me, I don’t think I was even level 60 in that one.

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Surprised people are saying SGE is bad.

It’s not, you are.

Picked SGE up on a few characters but haven’t really had a chance to try it.

Seems okay though? Did a few of the 60 dungeons and trials on it (was helping a friend)

Honestly, I quite like FF’s aesthetic, and the gameplay, other than feeling more active with zone attacks etc, didn’t feel super alien.

I mostly struggled with the ‘I dunno if I’ll ever be able to RP here’ part (consistent across MMOs for me haha) and, primarily, the “Dear god, what is free time and why do I have none?!” of the past few years :joy:

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I’m not sure what people are doing to come to that conclusion. Expecting Kardion to full heal? Spamming something that has less potency than Cure 1?

Not even Disc in its current state can do that (the smite spam happy version)

Its actually why I like SGE so far, it gives me old disc vibes (and disc priest used to be my main PvP character before Legion ruined it)

WHM is good though :drop_of_blood: :white_flower:

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Nobody said it wasn’t.

Haven’t tried AST since the slight rework to make it a healy-healer but before then AST was my least favourite healer to play, so that made WHM my 2nd favourite by default.

always a SCH main

EDIT: i think I’ll like SGE because it seems it will be like old disc and I miss old disc priest so much.

For Meruru

Have you got the pixie wing accessory yet?

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EW Spoiler

Is it me or does Elpis sort of drag on?

Its far more interesting than The moon after Zodiark but it feels like I’ve been here all day

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EW spoiler Yeah. To be honest I think most of the zones dragged on aside from Thavnair and Garlemald. Elpis is kind of cool, but in my opinion it feels kind of like fan(daniel) fiction.
EW Spoiler

yeah, those 2 zones were fantastic. Would have loved to have seen Garlemald when it wasn’t a wreck and still hoping we eventually get housing in Thavnair.

I’m hopelessly lost with the real barrier healers, Scholar and Sage. Nocturnal Sect Astro I could handle because it was just a pure healer wearing a fake moustache and a wig but these two play completely differently.

Also I’m starting to think I should wait for like 6.5 to buff trust xp gains. Wish they had gone forward with the 5.5 values.

How many of 1 dungeon is it taking to level them?

They buffed them slightly in… 5.1? 5.2? So it only took 3-4 dungeons to get a level.

Which I thought was fine because then my own levelling could keep up.

EW spoiler that Aldru is not supposed to click on

Zenos and ceilingfandaniel be like:

Jokes on you I have finished the MSQ and clicked your spoiler

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Take it from me, who rly was on the fence about it and give it another go sometime.
It’s good and once you get out of ARR content it goes bombastic.

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