Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

To answer your question (since I missed it), I unfortunately don’t! I know where it comes from now, so it’s just a case of obtaining it for myself since they go for 20m on my server right now.

Honestly sets the tone for Endwalker really well since when I finished it I couldn’t help but say “wow, that was a lot of fanservice.”

The fanservice comment was mostly made in jest towards the whole crew getting together and


Estinien joining the scions. Wasn’t a serious addition lmao.

It did set the tone for EW spot on though

You might want to spoiler tag that part about grumpy mcdeepvoice.

begging halo infinite players to please change your default colour armour the grey is so boring
the free options you get aren’t exactly riveting either but at least they’re not NPC Default Mode.

I am not using my own singular braincell, but a good call lmao

Yellow is the patrician’s choice

Got SMN fully tomestone geared yesterday. I really wanna try the extreme trials but all I see are farm parties in the party finder.


Already got a colour from the Campaign map. Now I just need to find where the other options I picked up went.

And still wishing the armour system was as robust as Reach :pensive:

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The queues are a problem right now, yeah.

I just got disconnected because of a Wi-Fi hiccup and now am stuck in a 3k queue. Going to buy a cable tomorrow for a wired connection, since the router is in the same room.

On a happier note: that feeling when FF makes for better reference screenshots of my WoW characters than WoW itself. Just needs one of those level 60 Sharlayan robes that this alt is too low-level to equip yet.


Also I get that I can’t complain too much because the multiplayer is entirely free
but I am a touch, a smidge, a tad, peeved that the ODST set is only for people who buy the battlepass
It’s not world ending, just mildly annoying

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I actually feel like art today. Which is nice.
Also metal. Lots of metal.

Healy healer:
have heal hit after boss finishes cast

Barrier/HoT healer:
have heal hit slightly before boss finishes cast

heals-with-dps barrier healer:
have heal hit slightly before boss then smash your face into your dps buttons and ignore the dps who failed

Actual peeve: the Diablo II video that I have used as Lintian’s voice reference has been deleted.

It was pretty old, made in the original D2, so I don’t know whether it was the uploader’s doing, or Blizzard’s. If it was the latter, then it’s really baffling that they would suddenly care about a video consisting entirely of voice lines for a single NPC from a 20-year-old game.

The proliferation of Battlepasses has not, imo, done the industry any favours.


On the one hand I dislike battlepasses, on the other I vastly prefer them over paid for ‘map pack’ DLCs

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EW Spoiler

That was a rollercoaster

Ktisis is what Zereth Mortis wishes it was. A place with many zones put together to store living subjects that are to be tested on.

That dungeon was awesome, really liked it. The lore revelations just keep coming and they don’t stop coming.

Still passively Mad about the fact I got 100% achievements on Reach… and then they added more with the map packs. With awkward, nerd-pro multiplayer only achievements. Bah.

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Nah I loved it all. Even with all the running around. I used to stop to do FATEs


I tried to set up a fundraising page for my upcoming charity stream and my brain dribbled out of my ears why are these sites so useless when their entire function is to do nothing but siphon money from charity fundraisers in exchange for a slightly easier UX

One page (tiltify) is terrible to try and put basic details in and the other (justgiving) doesn’t have the charity I want to use on it


I liked ARR. It has some flaws (such as voice acting and the sheer length of filler questlines), but it slowly eases you into the setting and tracks your journey from a nobody to the savior of the realm. It was also designed with people who have never played an MMO in mind, and in my opinion, it does a stellar job at introducing you to MMO mechanics.

The problem is not that ARR is bad, but that it’s merely decent while the expansions are really good.


That and there needs to be a cut of about a third to a half of mandatory quests before Heavensward.

The Wall always sucks and causes a lot of people to quit FF14 before they get to the strong expansion content

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