Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

Yeah I would have liked to treat myself to a PS5 by now, but I’m not putting food on some scalper’s table to do so. Sod that.

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EW Spoiler

God dayum, the hydaelyn fight was amazing. Even though both Alphinaud and Urianger got me killed multiple times.

Also, is it me or does Hydaelyn kind of look like Yotsuyu at the end there?

Can’t wait for the next zone!

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Xbox Series S has been stock somewhat decently here for the past few weeks now, but I want the X :frowning:

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EW Spoilers I enjoy how Estinien is giving Alphinaud directions during that fight. Alphinaud will also prioritize Alisaie whenever she has a red mage moment. Which is often.

Infinite is pretty good. Wish there were more environments to grapple around in, but the moment to moment gameplay is great. The grappling hooks may be a trend right now, but they’re a good trend unlike the bow fad of the 10s.

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EW Spoilers

She died more than once too. It only took me 2 attempts to defeat Hydaelyn with the NPCs.

Y’shtola also tells Alphinaud to move his butt as well.

EW spoilers/replies to Meruru and Cro

The Hydaelyn fight is bugged with trusts, Urianger and Y’shtola are definetly bugged as they should get hit by the mechanics but obvs coding keeps them from it. Should you the player stack on either of them though you’ll get hit.
Also if you MT it Thancred bugs out and has no idea what to do after.

Estinien giving directions is just Older Brother Mode™ and Alphinaud and Alisaie are just being the sibling duo they always are, which is great.

Got my gear!

Before i mog over it because I HATE the bits of cloth stuck over the cat ears.

Just flatten the ears or cut holes into the hat!


EDIT: Gonna use the scythe for a bit though, been waiting to get it since I saw it.


I’d like a DPS pet for scholar tbh.
Doesn’t have to be insane but it’d be a nice option.

EW Spoiler i suppose?

Much prefer this way of getting the class set, get it and can dye it after doing the role quests, means I can pick it up at 89 and not have to worry about doing the role quests in augmented cryptlurker.

Also Dyeable version is easy to get and I don’t have to do the Varis Trial for it.

Reaper is my sole reason so far to be interested in EW (am waiting for the queues to disappear before I commit)

it’s just such a cool word.


Cool class as well, love it to bits and am happy I swapped to it.

Also, class set gives massive Bloodborne vibes.

We have dismissed this claim.

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I got a friend!



Waiting for the reaper nerfs, they are disgustingly good at DPS atm.
The class set is pretty baller tho

I’m having so much fun with Dragoon atm.

Been lvling my DRG and DRK, between doing max level content as BRD, it’s a fun class for sure

I know for sure I’m trying to level my War, but afterward I was considering picking up BRD or PLD.

BRD is fun, more so if you played old ranged SV then its very similar to FF BRD.
DoTs + press light up buttons + songs

Your character looks like an awkward teen.

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I will have you know he is UTTERLY ADORABLE.