Decided to abandon my MCH in favor of SUM as the first to 90. It just can’t compete in terms of visual flair.
See She-Ra’s grabbed somebody’s shoe (wasn’t mine, I’m not stupid enough to leave mine out where dogs can get them). Grabbed the shoe, took it away, got to now distract a Miss Behaving with Frankie before she finds somebody else’s shoe to chew.
I’ve got my last exam for the semester - and therefore the whole year - tomorrow
it’s financial math and I’m notoriously bad at math, but I just did some practice exam (for lack of better term) with exercises from the entire topic area for the exam, and I got 7/9 perfectly right, one I got like 5/6 stages right because I forgot to do the final stage
The second question I got wrong was “What a) monthly, b) quarterly interest rate matches a yearly interest rate of 4,50%?”
so i obviously started overthinking and doing all sorts of fancy calculations because surely it can’t be that simple, right? When in reality it really was as simple as a) 4,50 divided by 12, and b) 4,50 divided by 4
so anyway i hope i learned from this and will pass thanks for reading my rant
/Who is still broken ingame.
EW Spoilers
Ultima Thule looks exactly how i thought it would. Basically The Tempest but tinged black as opposed to Blue.
EDIT: Also Colour from out of Space sky box.
Considered doing another BG1+2 playthrough but the beamdog forums have been down for “host migration” since the start of November and sorting out modlists is a pain without their central threads.
Hope it’s back up soon.
EW Spoilers
Man, this last zone is depressing AF.
EDIT: Also made like Elpis where getting all the aether currents is going to be a pain in the backside
It’s not as bad as you think, don’t worry.
Trust, that zone is by far the easiest to get all the currents in compared to the others
Read about this today. I’m not familiar with her work, beyond the interview movie, which I enjoyed a lot. Unfortunate.
Having read the Interview book…
Not going to lie, i think the film did a good job cutting all the fluff out. I found the book boring.
granted this was over a decade ago now, my taste may have changed since then
Did the lvl 50 DRG quest, imagine being beaten by a Starbucks employee looking stranger :^)
Also the boys are chastising me for not picking DRG before doing the HW content and all I can say is, BRD my beloved took priority.
I did HW as RDM.
(Played ARR, took a massiver break, only came back at the end of Stormblood)
I don’t think I even had DRG at that point, it was probably still LNC.
It’s because the boys know I love Estinien and also that it sets up quite abit of HW stuff too in the DRG quests.
But like I love BRD more, it’s like playing old SV hunter
All these people talking about FF14 spoilers and I haven’t been able to log in for five days.
EW Spoilers
No G’raha Tia, I do not need to think about Last Thursdayism.
I’m not emotionally invested, I know we’re going to bring them all back (whose going to tank for me if I don’t?)
I miss seeing your dead inside, skincap wearing guy.
just realised that there isn’t even a community council forum for EU