Star Citizen has been successfully selling thousand dollar jpegs for years, why complicate what’s already working?
it would be funny if it wasn’t so painful
I said that was my own specific thoughts about Ishgard. Doesn’t mean that’s always correct, as people already mentioned with it’s heavy themes of catholism, noblity and aristocracy. Ishgard was from the begining before and during Heavensward until it’s end a Theocratic Artistocracy with the Orthodox Church of Ishgard taking the leadership whilst voting from the numbers of the Aristocracy, revolving around the four High Houses that are descendant of King Thordan’s knights. SPOILER alert
which later transforms itself into Parlamentary Republic divided into the House of Commons and House of Lords to give the commoners a say into political matter.
Most of the military power either revolve around the High Houses and their retinue of Knights, Mechanists and the Temple Knight to act as it’s standing army.
When I mentioned Havi becoming more ‘Normanised’ I mean that as Havi who is a norse themed character he eventually fully commits himself to Ishgard rather than being the wanderer he is now. Just like the Normans were Norsemen who settled down in Normandy under the leadership of Rollo the Walker when granted land there by Charles the Simple.
While there is always more to read, don’t think I don’t know anything about Ishgard’s lore. I’ve taken in the context that he does have also a connection to Coerthas in his background, as while he was born in Aerslaent, he was raised in Coerthas.
And regarding The Northlanders. While there is no official lore that there is a culture in the lore as far as I know, given that Hyur is pretty much the most frequent and numerous race in Hydaelyn and it’s lands, there is nothing that don’t say there would exist groups with certain themes around them.
Need to do Holminster Switch on both SAM and MCH because I don’t have those 2 weapons on my Bun.
Got Gunbreaker to 90, so that’s 3/5 roles at 90 (dancer twice because bunnyboy).
By the time I got all five, my friends should be ready for RP again, I hope! And the queues should be kinder…
Even if tou feel you don’t need to know more about Ishgard I will definetly tell you outright you need to read further into the norse culture aspect at the very least then.
It will help you make a more believeable and interesting character concept over what I personally percieve as every modern depiction of norse culture. You’re free to disagree but that’s my view on it.
And while it is true Hyur are not set into one particular primary culture like some of the other ffxiv races, there’s also nothing particuly norse inspired bar a handful of dragon names. You can and have made ypur own depiction, but that still needs some polishing up. More so if you want to go normandy approach with your concept.
That’s my advice, take it or leave it I don’t really care in the long run
my wife had to wake me up last night to get up and feed the baby. she woke me up by punching me. right in the arm where i’d had my booster jab which was already very sore and painful
it was like a lightning bolt had struck me
You’re not doing a good job of selling either marriage, or parenthood, Mr. Mito.
yeah but okay like
my latest progeny is now 2 months old and she’s entered the cool phase where she starts to recognise me and smiles when i’m around which is dope as hell and indescribably great because before this stage they always seem indifferent to your presence
From what I hear, this stage is gonna repeat at some point.
yeah true.
luckily my other one still loves me and should do for at least another 8 years or so
it’s mixed though because yesterday i walked in the door having returned from work only for her to say hello, and then tell me i’m disgusting in italian before going about her business
I could do it in English too, if you’d like?
Finished my rank matches in Halo and I got placed in Platinum 1, which is solidly mediocre This old man’s still got it.
do it, i can take it
Marriage is pretty awesome tbqh.
I like being married.
so FF14 are adding another 7 days of free game time due to the ongoing queue issue. i haven’t even been playing and i’m raking in the free days
Yeah, math checks out, that’s about as Italian as it gets.
My niece has started getting VERY cheeky. It’s very funny to watch her to be honest. Honestly love that children don’t have a filter and they can say outrageous things and no one can really get mad at them.
It is good entertainment.