You do realise I’m Swedish right? Norse Mythos and Culture is one of my favorite things, and something I continuously read upon
We can go back and forth on this, but at the end of it all, I’ve stated that the Heavensward region is some my favorite things because they have at least have some stuff inspired of Norse myths. Doesn’t mean it’s all dominating in those regions.
So what would you want me to polish on? Because please do tell me so I can explain better because it doesn’t help if you say that I ‘need to read up’ on the Norse aspects.
It is true that all Norse for example weren’t ‘Vikings’, as the majority were farmers, with only a small professional warrior caste, as Vikings is a subjective word, to go ‘Vikingr’. It is true however that the Norse had a strong sea culture, and while not defintive why, it is true that that during the 700s to 1100s an expansion of people from the Scandinavian region continuously left for more fertile regions, either in search for raiding, settling, trade and more.
But again, do please put the exact thing I need to polish rather than tell me outright that I need to read on the Norse culture aspect with not definition of what I need to read up.
for the first time in a mmo i’m not able to enter a zone because its to full… how do i even?
Really? Never had issues with WoW’s World servers crashing due to too many people? It’s basically the same, but without the crash.
Or when you can’t enter instances for the same reason.
I don’t do instances with people. I hate people!
(this is a half truth.)
They’ve literally stopped selling FF14 because servers too full.
Free Trial Meme was too powerful. They thought to touch the sun, but their wax wings of server capacity melted away.
I’m having violent flashbacks to WoD.
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Yeah, and you wouldn’t be allowed in even solo.
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I’ve never experienced that.
But then again, I didn’t do much solo jazz when WoW was truly busy.
To be honest, WoW has had its share of launch day issues but they are mainly relegated to the first few days of an expansion before it starts to stabilize. FF14’s servers seem woefully underequipped in comparison and that’s saying something because WoW’s general zone stability is pretty janky most of the time.
Different for a number of reasons.
For one, XIV is sort of in a perfect storm of issues. Hardware shortage (that can’t be solved by throwing more money at the problem - they tried), pandemic increasing player count, and WoW doing its thing resulting in many refugees.
On top of that they have a different server structure. WoW’s heavy use of sharding, which XIV avoids when it can, has issues on its own - as anyone who has tried doing a world boss only to have the game lag out and become borderline unplayable can attest (something by no means relegated to launch weeks). Once actually logged in XIV seems very stable and smooth.
It is nice.
When you lose it, though… less fun 
Sorry for the quoting, it’s not anyone’s fault… it’s just a bugbear, now, how society and media normalise being in a relationship as ‘the ideal’ so much, and have done for decades. When you do your best and think you have it all, then out of the blue you’re ‘let go’ and… it sucks.
Silver lining is taking the time to become more self-dependent instead of co-dependent all the time, indulge hobbies, (eventually) go places and meet new people, when my introvertedness stops kicking my rear heh. But it’s tough going a lot of the time ._.
/vent, sorry
More positive part; getting rid of rental house on Monday, and today was a big step to getting the last few bits cleared out, huzzah!
And they’re giving us some game time to compensate.
And even pulling new sales until it can be resolved.
That’s pretty nuts. They’re taking it seriously.
It was already 7 days and now they’re giving 14 more, right? 21 days, that’s kinda bonkers.
(ngl I’d be happy with a fantasia phial or 2 instead)
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Use the money you would save on a sub, since we’re already near enough at a month free, for a phial. Job done.
Oh yeah, I’m sure you’d be ‘satisfied’ with just one or two hits of fantasia.
You addicts are all the same…
Zero DPS sages exist. They’re out there.
I propose we call them WebMDs. They give you nothing but diagnoses, the overwhelming majority of which are pretty much useless.
Sage is reminding me of when Disc changed in Legion. I had a friend who got kicked for “damaging instead of healing.”
I’m glad dealing damage as a healer is the norm in this game.