Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

Peeve : Having to walk 15Km each trip to the nearest supermarket because car broke down. The local 7/11 is just too expensive.

If or when you get on just look up Lord Beans on Zodiark, that’ll be me.

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Yes. Yes that’s the long and short of it.

Pic unrelated. I just thought it was funny (not EW)


ranked up to platinum 2 in halo because I’m a pro gamer, now officially better than “utterly mediocre”


I hope that when they implement datacenter transfers, we Chaos people will be able to RP with our friends from Light. But it probably won’t happen anytime soon, not with this server overload.


I think it was initially planned for 0.1 patch. It might have been postponed now though.

That’s how they get you. Convenient locations but twice the price.

I really want this mount but I also can’t be bothered to wait, especially since I know I’ll wait and then get a silver medal. Still, I need it for the

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I died on my first Chi kill and still got a gold you’ll be fine

other healer leaves Castrum first and eats the 30 minute deserter debuff

me - “no thank you, I don’t want to do castrum, all you have given me the last few days is castrum and its just not good levelling”

Also forced to do it otherwise 3k queue to get into next character


I seem to get that whenever I’m all comfy and ready for a Prae, then I get Prae when I’m starving to death.

Speaking of castrums, sucks for anyone wanting to do Lacus Litore since it’s been barren since EW dropped.


Also, I’m always ready to do Prae and get very disappointed if i get Castrum.

Before EW, I’d just DC and log my next character, but that would mean eating a 30 minute queue now and I’m just not about that life.

I’ve reached max rank on Zandor while leveling reaper and I was the only one queueing for the last raid there.

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Once people start doing it again, I can recommend it. It’s a nice conclusion to the zone and you get some neat extras.

I really want the cerberus mount.

But I tried doing Bozja and its just not for me.

The other healer in this prae run is basically raen Sadu and i can’t get over it.

It gets better once you get more into it. It’s just more elaborate fate grinds with crazy powers. My favorite being the one that weakens your heals to the point of uselessness but gives you massive damage. It’s amazing on sage.

I haven’t done the Eureka raid though, any time I do Eureka I end up doing like one challenge and saying “wow. This sucks.”

Praetorium is much better. Substantially more XP for less effort.

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Wouldn’t mind Castrum if they buffed the exp you get from it. More effort=fine, just reward me.

And don’t nerf Prae.

I’m aware, though they seem to have buffed Castrum’s EXP. Still not as good as Prae’s and you’re right on Castrum being more effort.

prae is still much better though.

Need to do Eureka as well.

I dread them removing MS roulette. It’s a nice convenient leveling boost.

Even if it does contribute to my feeling like most of my gameplay is done at 50.