Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

Another lockdown. Joy.

Didn’t notice it, is there a rough tl;dw? Trying to see what questions are asked through a too-long twitch vid is very painful

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Have now watched Witcher season 2.

Without spoilers, the character moments with the main protagonists felt a lot stronger but the overarching plot and many of the changes to the side characters felt off. I enjoyed it but the first season felt much stronger as a narrative

Do you know which stories they adapt in this season? Also, do they again tell everything out of order?

It’s fully chronological this time around as far as I know. I’m not familiar enough with the books to tell you what is being adapted but there are some big changes with events and characters - some good, some bad.

My semi-IC, tongue-in-cheek, stream-of-consciousness writeup of like all of 2.0 MSQ entirely from memory, aka Vielle Janlenoux’s Biased, Misleading, and Not Wholly Accurate Recollection of the Story So Far.

Needless to say, massive FFXIV 2.0 spoilers.

I’m planning to expand this writeup until the point I am now (post-HW 3.5 finale) before I proceed to play SB.

At the point where there’s no real peeves for now. Got the slight angst of giving the keys back to my old rental place on Monday, a few last things to sort out tomorrow with any luck, and hopefully better weather than today.

Got food shopping done. Had a fire lit earlier.

I guess me trying to wrangle an Ad Mech list for 40k with ‘There are a lot of options and they are pretty much all good, help’ is a thing? :sweat_smile:

:poop: post, minor EW spoilers


Not entirelly inaccurate tbh

Thanks. I wasn’t sure if I want to spare time on s2 after everything I disliked about s1. The disjointed chronology made it practically unwatchable for me who read the books and my partner who didn’t. So the fact that they did away with it at least makes me consider it.

Posting these under spoilers, but I love this dynamic between my giraffe boys

Technically ShB spoilers
Like, 2 or 3 quests apart btw and it happens again in EW :^)

It did make a lot more sense the second time around, where I could more clearly see the plot lines are thematically linked rather than chronologically, but I can’t fault people for getting lost with the 500 names going around at any given moment

But yes, more traditional in season 2 so if that bugged you it’s gone

My Elezen being a DRG;


Peeve : NFTs.

I can tell it’s a scam by the simple virtue that any boomer can just right click on it and voilà. My issue is that there are people stupid enough to buy into it and the tech dudes selling you this blockchain scam and other corporate forces are going into it like it’s the freakin’ gold rush.

Man, when even morons like Ubisoft tried this, they were strongly rebuffed. Now S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 until the fan uproar got too much to handle.


Remember that if you see a huge NFT purchase it’s more than likely someone purchasing something from their other account as a way to try and generate hype.


Blood of the Elves, primarily, but also the story with Nivellen (which is incorporated, and works really well for that!) - all chronological, though

There’s a lot of differences with the book though - but I enjoyed it a lot, watched it all in one day and I’m normally not much of a binge-watcher. Don’t expect a ‘correct’ adaptation of the books and take it for what it is, I’d say

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I had it in the background while I was focused on something else so I didn’t catch everything. I did hear the reason the person who made the “too many black people in Stormwind” comment wasn’t booted immediately is because Prosident gave them the benefit of the doubt for being possibly not a native English speaker who expressed themselves poorly.

Also Prosident has been kicked from the council and Blizz won’t answer his messages anymore.

What’s worse; the crypto ‘boom’ is a big part of why people (including me, gah) are struggling to get PS5s, Xbox X or newer gfx cards. The last one directly, because they buy them up to make freaking awful mining racks, the former two because the first, coupled with global supply issues, has led to a microchip shortage. Which is effecting far more than the entertainment industry.

I’m genuinely staggered that governments haven’t started banning it yet, besides China. Because it’s impacting other industries, and other profit margins, I’m stunned the protective urge of Greed hasn’t kicked in, somehow…

Also new servers for certain popular MMOs with huge free trials.

Also a shortage because of scalpers.


Scalpers and Cryptbros can both get in the sea :angry:

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