Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

EW spoilers

You entirely misunderstood the point of that sequence, I think. The purpose was never to try to fool you that the Scions were all dying off for good. It even felt like it wanted to reassure you of that much right from the start, look at how they talk about Thancred’s disappearance when the truth of what just happened is revealed. Compare it with Papalymo’s death scene. Their eyes this time are entirely forward.

The purpose isn’t to scare you. It’s to scare them. The Scions are one by one surrendering their ability to influence the endgame. They can’t be sure they will return. Y’shtola seems to know you have the power to summon them back, but tells you you mustn’t do so, for it is by their sacrifice that they build a path forward, and to return them would be to render Ultima Thule once more impassable, unsurvivable. And the power by which you summon them back is a power you would also need to fight the Meteia, and they know this well - know where your power would be better spent.

And more than their own fates, they fear for you. Look at what Alisaie and Alphinaud say. They don’t spend long despairing over their own fates - they despair over being forced to make you continue, alone. Without them to help you.

Put yourself in their shoes. Yeah, obviously it wasn’t going to kill them off just like that, from our own point of view. Thancred made me a bit worried, but when Y’shtola poofed I was entirely relieved, because she has the same unbreakable plot armour as Sylvanas - that of marketability. But it didn’t take me out of the moment, because trying to scare you into thinking they were gone forever wasn’t the purpose of their sacrifice.


No, I understood the point quite well. And you are right in what you’re saying. My point though is that all of those sacrifices would have been much more impactful to me, even though the intention to bring them back was made clear, had they not made me cynical to the Scion deaths before.

I’m not asking them to commit to killing characters. Just expressing that I feel it’s unfortunate that they blew their load one too many times before. I can see how from the perspective of the present characters ot would all be scary. I’m, however the player/viewer with past experience.

We can agree to disagree. 'Tis not my intention to tell anyone how they should feel about X or Y thing in the game. If you thought it was stellar, then I can only be happy for you.

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The EWer Brimmeth

To me this is an entirely separate issue. I absolutely think there’s been too many Scion fakeouts. It didn’t take away from Ultima Thule, for the reasons I mentioned, but it’s absolutely ridiculous for sure to watch Y’shtola ‘die’ expansion after expansion only to return each time.

Any character with less plot armour would have been cloven right in half from Zenos’ blow in Rhalgr’s Reach. The sword goes straight through!

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I liked this because of the title for the spoiler. I can’t read it :pensive:

Just going to say I agree with Hethes.

No, I DO understand but its just not impactful when they’ve done it before multiple times.

There, my very spoiler free take!

not really a spoiler, but hiding it anyway

Nearly had a heart attack just now. In Omicron rode towards one of the gaps in the floor and, having unlocked flying now, slid right off it into the void below, while previously invisible walls wouldn’t let me. Gave me a right scare there for a moment.

On the subject of rats, I can’t seem to get my skaven campaigns to last. I conquer by trickery and tremendous violence, then the economy craters despite every building in every settlement contributing cash and my food runs out.


Anti-Peeve; old house lawn mowed and edge strimmed, last items all removed (bar the door mat for symbolic removal tomorrow), just need to take final meter readings tomorrow and give the keys back and I. Am. Free.

This year has been utterly terrible, but at least the end is in sight, and I’m finally feeling like I am getting on with my own life at last :blush:

I find this as well, for what it’s worth (Well, as much as I ever get far with a campaign before fizzling out ahah)

I think part of the Skaven problem, for me at least, is that, outside of their weapons teams and more specialist stuff, they can’t pull off the ‘drown them in a sea of bodies’ because their chaff units are TOO garbage.

Either that or it’s just me, heh. That and struggling with balancing corruption/lack of, and food, etc etc. Having unique mechanics is good, sometimes having too many can be draining though imo.

Always use the food commandment.
Get the good building in large settlements.
Find a region with a pasture for extra food.
Raid. Even if you have to raid yourself.

That’s basically the heart of the problem. I look forward to the different daemon factions in game three having different corruption visuals, though.

That’s supposedly the solution but seems inadequate and raiding my own land hurts my already paper thin economy.

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Get a mod then.
There’s one that gives you food from ports.
(increases other buildings given food by 1 too)

Read a good tweet thread about the themes of Char’s Counter Attack, referencing both previous and future Gundam works and why a lot of people read it wrong, why leftist opinion can be divided over the Axis Drop, and how the (arguably) mishandled importing of Gundam to the west in the post-Wing era meant some western fans had far different views/reads on the U.C. material than Japanese fans.

Unfortunately it’s a tweet thread, and would have worked way better as a blogpost, 'cos it’s like 40 tweets long or something, like come on guy.

anyway wow cool robot

Need a new Xbox controller for my PC, the left joystick is giving up.

They’re expensive though (doesn’t even need to be the current gen, just needs to be wired with a USB port)

I think you’re fundamentally misunderstanding it the same way Hethes did, but as I already explained why, I won’t write another wall of text but just point you to the previous one in case you missed it.

I have a spare one but that information likely helps you not a bit :frowning:

I really don’t like modding my game.

No, I do understand, i just don’t agree with you


its like the whole, “oh we’re going to use the moon as a spaceship and go to another planet” no we’re not.

I get the internal consistancy and that the characters don’t know. The game just spend way too much time on things that aren’rt going to matter at the end of the patch.

In the end, it will always be the WoL vs. whatever the big bad is, that’s just how it is.

A big surprise WOULD be if they killed one of the trusts off, but in the end it’d be G’raha Tia and I do not want that monkey paw to twitch (since he’s my main healer when doing trusts)

What series is your spare? Just like to be pointed in a direction for a relatively cheap controller that works fine.

I still think it sounds like you’re looking at it from the wrong point of view (and with a very cynical one at that), but again, not much point in reiterating what I already explained.

Then revel in your subparity!