I don’t care/want to know about Warhammer lore to be honest. The less I know about it, the objectively better my life will be
but orks willing things into existing and being too dumb to realise their reality warping power is hilarious and I repeat that’s the extent of Warhammer lore that I’m willing to learn
random normal raid is slowly pushing me through the Omega raid on Mjoln.
I keep getting Heroes’ Gauntlet on Leo for the 50/60/70/80 queue which is bumming me out because the minute i get Raziel in a position to farm it, I won’t ever get it.
Not quite as orks and orcs are not quite the same. Their waaaagh-energy as the ork/orc psychic gestalt power and unique magic works roughly the same as blue warpaint makes them tougher, red faster and so on but fantasy orcs can’t believe their way to functioning technology.
The distinction is minimal but if, for example, fantasy orcs were in fact 40k orks brought to Mallus as spores by the Old Ones they’d have mindpowered their way to guns long ago.
Poof them into AoS with its untold ages of fighting since the end of the old world and it gets dumber but that setting has old fan favourites arbitrarily surviving aeons of war without learning much.
It’s also worth noting that this ability has been flanderized and memed into the high heavens by the community, and the lore doesn’t depict it as nearly as extreme.
It’s more like a sort of ‘reality grease’ that causes their technology to work a bit better than it physically should.
Getting on with Both Omega and Alexander on Leo (shockingly not completed either on him despite being ahead on Omega on Mjoln and having completed Alexander on Tauzeta)
I had a match once where my team and the other team were losing to the third really hard but my team managed to catch up and we sealed our victory by pushing into the leading team’s base, crushing them completely as they trickled back to defend and then we just continued fighting them there, keeping them from leaving their base and reaching the final objective spawn
There is a human commisar who is like 200 years old and immortal cus orks fought hin a few times and he won. So they believe “Whoa that dude is immortal”.
Well, here’s the thing: memory is faulty. How accurately do you remember what happened even twenty years ago? Now imagine a time period five hundred times farther removed. I’d imagine an elf living for ten thousand years would remember only the general gist of what happened back then. Actually it’d be even worse: their mind would fill the blanks in accordance to their current beliefs.
As for millennia of records… History is written by the winners.
The Darnassian civilization is built on the historical narrative that they are followers of the true path, while the Highborne were universally evil and arcane magic was the root of all evil in the Empire. Its national heroes are wise and pious Tyrande and Malfurion, who rejected the false virtues of the Empire and returned kaldorei society to its supposed austere, nature-worshiping roots.
Quel’Thalas, on the other hand, is founded on the historical narrative of being the true keepers of knowledge and culture opposed to the superstitious barbarians who sought to drag them back into a stone age, claiming continuity from the Empire yet having learned from Azshara’s excesses. Its national hero is Dath’Remar Sunstrider, brave iconoclast, explorer, and seeker of new horizons.
I have no doubt that both narratives have been carefully curated throughout millennia, with documents in each nation supporting opposing points of view disappearing under mysterious circumstances.
Gork and Mork are unironically the most powerful gods in Warhammer 40k
Every single Greenskin worships them, their numbers are larger than any other race in the milky way (other than maybe the Nids), and they are well connected with the warp.
Even if all the chaos gods came knocking after them together they’d probably just swat them away and then continue fighting eachother.
True, and the exaggeration is partially informed by human bias. I’m not sure of the sourcing of the sillier claims like a trukk running out of fuel but still rolling because the orks on board still needed to get to the fightin’.
Such a lifespan isn’t weird for a human in 40k as the imperium fits its important people with bionics, replacement organs and Science! to keep them useful but it’d be funny if he’s only alive because the orks collectively think that he would be.
They’re written as having pretty clear memories except when Tyrande kind of forgot about Broxigar.
Yeah, I wrote about that in the headcanon thread and not enough is made of how much of a monster and cultural boogeyman Malfurion would be to the high/blood elves as a fanatical tyrant who had them killed or exiled while forcing his and his wife’s religious primitivism on the crown jewel of civilization.
Are they though? Belief alone isn’t the heaviest factor and the Chaos gods are fundamental to reality as expressions of everything from physical acts to conceptual ideas and even inaction. The issue is just that they’re manifested as hilariously malevolent because the galaxy has been in a fit for thousands of years.
The Warcraft 3:RoC night elf campaign is a pulpy love triangle layered over the backdrop of the human, undead and orc campaign. They were at their best in the orc campaign.
You mean the orc campaign where the wise and patient night elves attacked, without provocation and without any preceding attempts at dialogue, loggers who were just getting lumber for a settlement, completely unaware that the forest was inhabited?
Granted, Grommash then turned this around and exterminated the attacking Sentinels with extreme prejudice without any attempts at negotiation on his part, either. I guess it’s like if the Death Star destroyed Alderaan in retaliation for it shooting at some Imperial ships first.