My Illidari crew.
I want to find RP out in the world but its drying up.
I chose to visit SW to “resupply” (in less felly clothing and naturally no demons), but I didn’t even get a look of disgust from a draenei or passing paladin.
To whom it may concern
southern goth girls are called y’allternative girls
At the risk of coming across as cynical, most RPers in Stormwind have probably grown used to it, or expect some agonizing semi OOC argument if they do address the matter.
Only last night I witnessed what can only be described as a grandiose mess of a fight between Lightforged, semi-demonic Void Elves, Demon Hunters and more. Sprinkled with a helping of swearing that’d make a sailor blush.
I digress. It’s an amazing screenshot and were I still RPing my Demon Hunter, I would happily have crossed paths with this lot.
Accurate. I know too much of how unhinged some people get over someone reacting negatively to their precious OC to bother a lot of the time. The last thing I need is some weirdo with a grudge.
Sort of an “ignores the usual” situation, I guess.
Case in point.
Yeah, that’s what it’s for and who gets to argue with the result? Pinning yourself to meta is never fun. Just play what works and if the team gets to the finish line you did good.
Mmhm. I used to scoff at people putting this in their T/MRP profiles, but I can honestly see the merit when around Stormwind City in its current iteration. Without harping on about said incident, it read more like Second Lifers having a vulgar spat than it did Warcraft RP.
On a brighter note I have decided to give my gal here som attention, and dredge her up and towards the vaunted level 60. Halfway there now.
People are throwing the term “Second Life” around as a snarl word — I’m curious what exactly they mean by that.
Their characters all but being avatars of their real life selves, rather than RP characters with their own personalities and culture.
There’s always going to be an overlap between our OOC and IC selves imo, but some pretty much lack the latter.
The way I’ve seen it used on the forums, “Second Lifer” is basically a generic derogatory way to address slice of life role-play.
The term is quintessentially a defensive mechanism used by some elitist players to discredit and distance themselves from that kind of role-play, ironically forgetting that most people would consider any form of role-player a second lifer, be it through escapism, power fantasy fulfillment, or else.
Slice of life RP is great.
Slice of life, period, should be taken elsewhere.
Peeve: scheduled to pick up new glasses from opticians today, having seen them before Christmas for eye test etc.
Got a call yesterday saying they might not be ready. Checked today, not ready, “may be done for the new year now”.
Just… if it’s too close to Christmas etc just TELL ME, make the first estimate after New Year and then, if it’s earlier, happy days. Don’t set my expectations and THEN muck about with the schedule. My brain hates that, and I hate that because it really mucks me up, every damn time.
I despise how much of life is entirely dictated by Other People having their act together, which they inevitably DON’T. Why do people think so many try and lose themselves in Online and games and fiction and the like? Because there people like me CAN control what goes on, there IS structure and you DON’T have to rely on a bunch of Other People
I’m so Done with society and humanity, at this point. No, I don’t care how cliché it sounds, the past two years have been hell…
That’s what concerns me. If you have concerns about players putting too much of themselves into their characters and not separating IC from OOC, that’s fine. But when used in the wider sense, it feels like a “your fun is wrong” argument.
Full disclosure: I did nothing but slice of life RP between the end of N’Zoth and me quitting WoW. I don’t think it makes me a bad RPer; rather it felt like a logical continuation of my character’s story. After everything she’s been through, after all these near-death experiences? She deserves a break.
You sound hurt.
I RP to engage in a world apart from the real one, with all of the quirks and possibilities only that setting can provide. I don’t RP to witness OOC chatter or alledged “IC interactions” with all of the best swears, insults, and sexual innuendos that I might come across by hitting a bar on the weekend.
At that point you’re not RPing, you’re plain socializing through an online platform.
Which is fine, but we’ve got Discord or (topically) Second Life for that.
It’s potentially the best RP around in my opinion.
Don’t give up on humanity quite yet. There are no doubt sh!te specimens around, but the opposite is thankfully also true!
Were you RPing Lintian the nelf wow character just having a more or less civilian life? No problem with that.
Were you RPing Lintian the player but cooler? Then that’s what I view as second life rp. Selfinserting to an unhealthy degree. That’s also the kinds of people that start malding if you’re not impressed with their oc, because their oc is an extension of their irl selves.
Others extend this term to mean rp where you just sit on a bench and chat with people, but I don’t think that’s fair.
Just gonna straight isekai next time.
I Can’t Believe My Warchief Is A Mass Murderer!? My Warcraft Adventure On Azeroth When I Became An Elf!
It’s a harem anime. Obviously.
The title is suppose to be one sentence, Elenthas.
It needs to be as long as I can possibly make it. If anything it’s a disappointment it was only on a single line.
These aren’t mutually exclusive. Infact, they are codependent.
Sorry to break topic/rant but my peeve today is that Lindsey Ellis has quit YouTube due to constant harassment over a Tweet she made last year.
Full spleen venting but God I hate Twitter.
Strong word I know but it’s such a hellpit.
True enough.
Shame though, IC friction makes the world go around.
She made some pretty White Feminist posts (including one that was literally just schoolboy homophobia) but it’s a shame she’s still getting harassed over it
People do sometimes forget that when someone is receiving a barrage of criticism, even correct criticism, it’s still a barrage - and that if you don’t like what someone says you can just block them