Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

Ok, I like that one :joy:

The other one someone came up with was, fittingly, robbed from the Imperium’s meme stock;
“Shas’la, I see enemy armour.”
“Yes, Shas’o?”
“I do not want to.”

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They fluctuate.

Gave mine an onion when EW started and it was about 280k

My FFXIV peeve of the day is squadrons, they suck and need a revamp.
I just want my guys to get to 50, rebalance their stats and finish the last flagged mission for captain rank :pensive:

Aye but once you have got them there they do print money. I’ve got them set up so synergy gives them a high chance of coming back with a bunch of crafter/gatherer materia on a successful mission, which go straight to the marketboard.

Love that passive income.

Me an omnicrafter: I already print money :smirk:
I just want it for something else than Glam prisms to spend my GC seals on so gambling it is

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You can get Fat Cat and Gold Whisker from GC box gambling. I’ve acquired both.

Fat cat is precious.

I should get back to this since that’s all I spend GC seals on.

I can get Fat Cat? then this is what i shall do! (my friend gifted me fatter cat for my birthday a few years ago)

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All I hear is money

I cap several times daily and I just wanna gamble on stuff

Comes from the .3 boxes!

A great friend got me fatter cat for Christmas. Adorable mount. Horrifying description.

Before EW started, I’d cap every few days (because i’d get poetics and nothing to spend them on) so may as well gamble with them.

It is!

Also love how its the Palace of the Dead music.

Both weeb dragon and roe witch use it, for different reasons.

(looks cute on weeb dragon, hilarious on roe witch + that description)

My retainer has found several. Need to give one to a friend and sell the rest.

I also need pixie wings. Hopefully I have some luck next time I play.

which class is your retainer to get it?

Yeah that’s why I just wanna have other things to spend them on at this point.

My retainers are cleptomaniacs and bring me furniture on the daily, it’s great.

10mill on the MB last I looked, they’re very popular.

Got to ask, how do you start this gambling with seal business? Is it to do with squadrons?

Most cursed mount in gaming.

No, that’s Fatter Cat.

Fat one is a minion then?


You need to be a lieutenant at least (I think) and then the quartermaster will sell them in the materiel section.

I know where they come from so I can up my grindset and get it.

I must. My Discord icon is a pixie so this is mandatory.