Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

After getting my fix of moronic High Elf posters clearly hating the idea that Void Elves should have more void in them instead of trash ported over from Blood Elves, I can safely say that those forums are not for smart people.

riddle me this

if blood knights are the belf paladin variation, how come ex-belf (void elves) blood knights can’t remain paladins??

checkmate blood elf purists :sunglasses:

They’ve been asking for that since their introduction.

I know, but they have gotten more bold now they’re getting fair hair.

just wish velf players wanted to play velves instead of helves


Velves were a mistake. Broken Draenei were done dirty. I am not accepting questions at this time, or ever.


honestly, if you wanted to play a blood elf, well - the alliance is waiting for you??

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I think that whole Blood Knights now draw power from the Light infused Sunwell thing
That well reacts quite violently to the Void now :eyes:
I think the Void Elves connection to the Well was severed by that Void ritual that went oooopsie
The Void infusion “cured” their Arccane addiction and Well-dependance but no more light-powers from the Well either
Void Paladins, like Dark Jedi could work tho’
Heck, even Voidforged
 why not?
But lets not get greedy

I can’t believe you’ve done this.

Honestly the whole belf/helf problem could’ve been solved if they made their questing intro like the Pandaren one, then at the last give you the option to join the helves or the belves.

And while I personally have no horse in the “helves for alliance” race, some of my friends do.

It also didn’t help that Blizz added the high elf npc’s as early as Vanilla to the Alliance, constantly dangling that sweet carrot in front of players, only to then go “But you’re not getting them.” Then jump to Legion, the Alliance finally gets their own Thalassian elves, but instead of the Helves, who were already there, and had their lore, they pulled void elves out of their derrieres ( the english word was not allowed) that nobody asked for.

So yeah, tl;dr, maybe a chunk of helf fans are unreasonable in their demands, but it’s also kinda on Blizzard.

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What is the horde equivalent of helf posters nowadays? I remember with every expansion you’d get people clamoring for whatever new offshoot of an existing race pops up (yaungol, gilgoblins, taunka, fel elves, etc), but was there ever anything as long lasting and as zealously demanded?

no because alliance are whiners by their nature
just look at the eternal screeching they had over the park area of stormwind until it was finally fixed, even though in the meantime they had this entire new cool grass/farm area near the cata stones
no I don’t think both sides are just as bad in this regard


chad holy priest void elf vs virgin paladin blood knight blood elf tbh

I dont think so either. Helf posters alone score a bunch of points for the alliance in that competition.

my holy pala belf will throw a book at you!

I also distantly remember several whiny posts about Horde having like 1 mount more than Alliance? Or something like that.
Never mind that pre-cata Horde had less leveling areas, if I remember correctly? That somehow just was never important. But that mount tho

Honestly, they tend to win points on everything. I remember the BfA alpha where there was outcries
 Because Zandar’alor was made before Boralus. It was finished before Boralus on the alpha, which is clearly a sign that “Blizzard hates the Alliance” and “Boralus will sucks.”

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Oh and the threads when they announced Nightborne to be joining the Horde


Rather appropriately, we exist in the shadows. :expressionless:


Honestly, this could have gone either way, but I’m glad they joined the horde just because watching alliance screeching and playing the slighted victim was hilarious.

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Y’know, looking at this thread, relatively civil as it is atm, is it any wonder that WoW ended up with one of the most toxic communities overall?

Every aspect of the game has pretty much been ‘weaponised’; who gets what race, who got what classes, who gets x, y and z. Even World Firsts are divided on faction lines, rather than just ‘friendly competition’.