Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Not with that attitude we ain’t :unamused:


We’ll have to [radical political action not sanctioned by the Invisible Hand of the Almighty Market, hallowed be its name] to reallocate attention and resources before the out of control climate chain reactions this world into a second venus or carbon dioxide and methane chokes every human being.

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When you think about it…isn’t any sentient species really limited in terms of what it could achieve during its existence? If we look at the universe, or even just the Milky Way, any potentially intelligent species evolves on a rock with limited material resources, and with a limited capacity for innovation. The former limit is set by whatever elements are present in said floating rock; the latter limit is set by the specific competition strategies which enabled the species to ascend in the first place.

If only we had data on multiple other sentient species who’ve come and gone…it would be fascinating to calculate the mean maximum lifespan of such species. I’m sure it would prove challenging to do so; they’d all be so different. I’d love to see where we’d fall on such a bar chart.

Arguably, some innovations are inevitable by the nature of physics and chemistry so the psychosocial makeup of a given species might determine what they do with something like gunpowder and nuclear fission.

What the standard human being does with it is obvious enough.

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The main trouble with space colonisation is that terraforming planets sounds great but once we develop that tech it will be about a billion times easier to just ‘terraform’ Earth instead

Like, sure we could make Mars livable or we could do the same for our own deserts - and we have oxygen here

(Also FTL travel is probably physically impossible unless something really wild gets discovered, because increased speed increases your mass and it curves toward infinity as you get toward light speed)

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The Cat is staring at me like I did something underhand to him (I hid his pill in his treat)

Your cat is plotting to murder you

you did do something underhanded >:(

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The problem for traveling in space are thousands - from the issue of time (how long it would take to move from one place to another), to the issue of potentially deadly bacteria that might wipe off half of your group in a matter of days.

But the main issue remains not technology, but physiology instead. Consider the issue of gravity - being in another planet/being in space affects your body differently, destroys your bone density, weakens your circulatory system, and damages your muscles.

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But then our corporate overlord can’t have his own fiefdom. As we run out of so-called unexplored space on earth itself, the obscenely rich and powerful need to colonize space or build floating cities to live out their imperial ambitions.

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Guys, all we need to start exploring space is a common space enemy. Bring out those Aliens already! Also, with some luck we’ll make it to 2063 when First Contact with the Vulcans will be made ( granted, we’ll have to survive WW3 first though, most major cities destroyed and 600 million dead). Sadly I’ll be an old man by then ( assuming I won’t be one of the 600 million).

Trying to open my PS4 to clean out the fan, but can’t find the right screw driver. Bleh. BLEH!
I just want to play on something that doesn’t sound like an F18!

I’m unironically convinced humanity would have a collective fit and do anything to protect itself, at home and beyond.

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Me - “not going to spend much money this month”

FF14 - releases mega Shiba mount

Me -

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So Spotify has a new feature where it compiles your Vecna playlist based on the algorithm

Even though I was top 0.1% Backstreet Boys listener in the world last year, apparently my top Vecna escape song is…

Ahaha yeah, I was the same until I realised a friend had gifted it to me
Megashiba is good

I wonder what the US Supreme Court are set to ruin today.

That’ll do it.


Probably get the outfit first because I’ve been waiting for that for a while now too (for my viera)

Will be getting the dog later though because I love Shibas.

Queen Lizzie? All is forgiven. Reclaim this wayward colony demonstrably incapable of self governance.

Got 5k anima.

Another 5k before I can get the dress.

Speaking of Venthyr clothes; when can the alts wear the outfits?

Could really use these boots on my mage for her typical Sin’dorei outfit.