Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Feels like forever.

Playing KDC on Hard Mode is the ultimate murder hobo experience. My 150H prior knowledge of the game and all its quirks to get ahead has prompted me to kill anyone or anything that might get in the way of Henry and his reputation. All the concerns about having to choose 2 negative perks are rendered moot when you’ve already gathered up a kickass armor set, 5K Groschens by the time you plundered all of Rattay, skills such as Sneak and Lockpicking being pretty high alongside Pickpocket (I kill anyone who so much catches a wind of my roguish ways).

I know every RPG has the potential to turn your character into a Murderhobo, but it’s so laughably great in KDC that the idea of slaughtering an entire shop in the dead of night to steal their goods and then see them respawn a couple of days later and STILL be a good Christian man is a better option than risking having the authorities learning of what you did. Being the Murderhobo is simply, the better choice.

(13) It should’ve been me, not him! - Yu-Gi-Oh Meme - YouTube

I finished watching Vikings: Valhalla. It’s a good show and as a fantasy fan I was not expecting to love a historic show.

Another Netflix show I recently finished is a local show called “The Exchange” shows the life of 2 Arab women working in finance in a workplace full of men during the 1980’s. Not sure why but I saw my mom in their place and started crying. Didn’t think I would get emotional over a tv show. But it’s realistic and I loved it!

Pet peeve: people who put “has done the timeskip” in their char description. I don’t understand why it has to be written there.

Probably since some people have not done it. Personally I believe it is not entirely necessary but it seems harmless enough.


Yea, some people don’t wanna do a timeskip, which isn’t lore friendly!!! but okay. I do get it. I wouldn’t want my 25 year old suddenly being old at 28.

Fair point. Maybe I’m just viewing things that aren’t there.

In the end it’s not that important, it’s stupid to be grumpy about these things.

As time goes on, the RP wrinkle caused by the timeskip, and people’s acceptance or nonacceptance thereof, is going to be smoothed over.

Since when is 28 old? :frowning:


[sweats in 31]

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Try 36.

That said, I’ve been described as looking 30 and having the vigor of a 20-year-old, so I don’t fret about my age too much. It certainly doesn’t affect the way I enjoy life!


By 25 you’re old and decrepit. It’s a fact. Knees start going.

I just remember thinking “boy, 28 is old” when I was like 22 and RPing someone my own age. I would’ve hated a timeskip from 25 to 28!

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Good video except I can’t do squats n stuff because my knees were screwed from childhood :((( Supposed to be better by age 22 at the latest but they said no and I still can’t kneel down.

Life hurts.

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“I took away your bending”


It’s not. Especially compared to average wow player age.

I was once bullied out of a discord group for being too young (early 20’s) same with another girl that was with us and also young.

That’s one of the reasons I don’t like mentioning my age in wow because the older folks treat you like a child who doesn’t know anything about life or expenses.


Honestly I don’t think people under under 50 to be old… However I do feel like in a frozen state where I cannot tell where adult me began or teenager me was gone. I don’t really know what makes you an adult, is a state of mind? Is it having responsabilities towards something or someone other than yourself? Is it just the legal aspect? Is it about building something?

Yeah, I shouldn’t post on Sundays, existencial dread hits strong.


It’s debated from person to person. But in my humble opinion I noticed people start maturing faster these days maybe due to the Internet

If you’re older than 26 you’re a boomer. If you’re younger than 26 you’re a zoomer. Simple as.


There are three ages

  1. like 12
  2. my age
  3. ethereal, beyond the ravages of time