Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

GW reveals from Adepticon tonight - well, 3am in the morning.
Which is ostensibly fine, as I’m on night shift anyway, but given the Absolute State of last night where I wasn’t home til 3am I really, really hope tonight is a bit less Cow Muck.

Heck I’m tired ._.

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How’s the new patch, all? Without any spoilers, that is.

No meaningful progress on my end, ask again in four months.


Tired all the time. Too tired to elaborate.

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reioko this is main

(we are now on hour 6, and the drilling is so loud I can’t hear a stream on my phone on max volume I am going to become the turbo-joker)


It’s fine. New zone is neat enough but storywise you’re done in a few hours, double that if you do the heritage quests. After that it’s just a place to grind stuff for catchup gear, rep, or currency stuff.

For a .7 patch it’s a decent amount of content though. It’s mostly a setup for the next big patch but that makes sense, really.


look these forums are more unpredictable than twitter to alt/account hop for these things


G-Witch season 1 marathon stream on their official youtube channel, starts at 2AM sunday morning brit-time, I know you’ll all be watching :triumph:

Still not sure whether to go to that LARP game. If it was Warcraft, I’d go right away, but the Warcraft game is only in July.

As for Middle-earth, I’m finding my interest in that setting wane the deeper I dig into it and discover its ugly foundations in Tolkien’s devout Catholic worldview. It has even poisoned my perception of elves as a fantasy archetype, and by extension, my enjoyment of roleplaying Lintian.

You know what the best kind of elves are?


burmecian gang rise up :rat:


I can tell you from experience that wet rat smells terrible

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even more reason they’re like elves

How so? Elf is such a broad concept these days.

Pet peeve; I’ve slept all of 5 hours so far this week due to workload, and Im now facing down another all nighter due to added demands tomorrow

Yes I’m using this thread as venting I’m too cheap to go to therapy


“Return to me when you have finished aiding Azeroth Croecell”

wow Magni, that’s a big ask for one undead but-- okay

(doing my visions, was wondering why Magni has a silver question mark)


My peeve of today: dragons aren’t reptiles. They evolved from elementals, reptiles did not.

Yes it’s a pointless geeky statement but it’s still true.

Just because they originally came from elementals doesn’t mean they can’t now be reptilian. Convergent evolution.

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The troll part of the vision of orgrimmar didn’t complete so I didn’t get a full run.

That makes me angry.

Both Crabs and Trees liked this

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Convergent evolution is about similar features, but not about the biological class.

Ie. Reptiles are all meant to have four limbs, whereas dragons are meant to have six: four legs and a pair of wings.

Since all birds/reptiles/mammals animals descend from a common fish ancestor, all IRL animals have four limbs.
This clearly doesn’t apply in the case of WoW (see: crocolisk), but it’s noteworthy that since the idea of dragon was invented, they were never meant to be reptiles.