Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Ao3= Archive Of Our Own.

It’s a very popular fanfiction website. I believe the most popular these days.

Go find some fanfic (or original fic) to enjoy : )


Anyone who says an elf hasn’t boinked their way across middle earth and every crevice in between is a liar

I was referring to the animals that have evolved from the same fish ancestor (amphibians, birds, reptiles, mammals) :point_down:

Invertebrates (read: worms) do not count. And yes, the so-called legless lizards and snakes still had ancestors who had legs themselves and snakes’ skeletons shows that even today (in the same way in which human ancestors used to have a tail). The structure of our common ancestry is that strong!

Same with Lovecraft really.


I prefer the Anne Rice route;

“look, vampires live forever, they are going to try everything”

Also lestat’s mother is a trans man I think? Once he gets turned into a vampire.


Christ above im lost in all the fanfiction…

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How does the above-mentioned version of monogamy has anything to do with transphobia? I’m just trying to understand, because if it does I’m not seeing it.

Im not an expert but, as far as I know, a trans person also can fall in love just once in their life, just like everyone else.

It’s not like this concept you quoted doesn’t have its roots in the christian vision of marriage, which has been associated with a transphobic view plenty of times. So it may be stained by association, but… looks pretty fine to me?

Me motivating Leo by tapping him on the head with an empty plastic bottle.

He’s so happy.


God dammit Stairshed, you’re now naked on the forums.

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My clown power was too much to handle

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I’m glad you at least put a tabard on.

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Make sure to use the tag filter system. It’s really nice and will help you reduce the pages you have to go through… somewhat.

damn i cant read whats this saying? trans validity. very cool

on main stonetower. on main

Learned a bit of bear language. Would sure be nice if the language skill was account wide…

I have LaCE related Tolkien elf lore things to share but will do so after sleep. copy pasting discord messages on mobile is too much work.

So. Adepticon. Reveals still ongoing.



AoE3 fanfic, detailing the proud last stand of the ethiopeans against the merciless conquering aztecs in 1854, forever changing the face of the central asian plains. Or the knights of malta beating the chinese to the northwest passage.


Ok, I think I need to clarify this;

I have passed beyond the human boundaries of excitement at this point. I AM the hype!!

Gods, that was the best reveal they’ve done to date. It wasn’t even close. And AoS is still eating good, the new Lizardmen look stunning.
Good lord.

Can’t seem to get away from Maldraxxus.

Filling out hunter pets on Cro, haven’t got an Oxen-- well, the ones in Maldraxxus suit purpose don’t they?