Can guarantee when you wake up you see dog’s behind
Can guarantee when you wake up you see dog’s behind
People let their dogs sleep in their beds?
And as a cat owner if I don’t have a cat butt in my face at least a dozen times when trying to sleep then I just assume she’s sick.
Yeah, I got a French Bulldog who’ll sleep in my moms room on her bed, she behaves enough when it’s night time thankfully.
My dog sleeps in his own bed or near it.
If he gets needy he’ll sleep outside our door but doesn’t stay long.
I used to! Had both baby dogs and The Cat in a single bed with me.
I don’t. Has their own comfy bed.
But sometimes the dog gets scared from rain or thunder or fireworks so it sleeps next to me.
I can tell most people don’t have large breeds then
If I’d of let the dog sleep in my bed I would have no bed, between that and the cat.
We used to have German Sheperds, now just a boomer Labrador (he’s 15-16)
Decided to give Hearthstone a go after many-many years since my last climb to the legend.
And straight away, mid-silver, I am bombarded with matches against people like “wseydsf”, “kjfhasadf”, “vkjloond”, who play starter decks and play like me for the first time under heavy alcohol influence.
I do not know if the game has a massive botting issue, but my god its infuriating.
Mine were not large yeah.
Still took up the whole bed between the 3 of them.
We need to go to sleep.
“Just one more boss–”
Nah, I’m prepping for bed ATM. Will try to grind out the vampire hunter hat tomorrow I guess-- or later today? Its not officially tomorrow until I’ve gone to sleep.
Holga MVP, which I am still shocked about. It felt like a group of people played DnD and said “let’s make a movie about this”, with all the pros and cons that follows (mostly pros).
Turns out most of the time what you really need is someone who just hits real hard.
I appreciated that while they did make reference to spells/mechanics (like Wild Shape) they didn’t feel constrained to stick to the rules. Would’ve been a worse movie if they did.
More Tall People Problems: M-sized T-shirts are of the right width for me but too short, while L-sized ones are of the right length but too wide. I’ll stay on the lookout for long ones, I guess.
ESO Peeve: constantly getting rp ideas for x house and character, decorates it to the limit, realises “wait what rp.”…cycle repeats.
Waiting for Chaos Dwarf time.
Waiting for the new Vampire Survivors DLC that comes out today.
Hobbit/dwarf woes:
Buying everything Small except when it’s necessarily Medium to fit decently but no matter what, sleeves and legs need to be cut or they look like I borrowed an outfit from a sibling.
A big comfy hoodie is my sweet relief from fashion.