I don’t really want to have to narrate my words in quick text messages like an elcor when a quick \o/ or works just as well. If it helps me not look like a
to coworkers and keep the peace then a quick emoji is a small price to pay to not be misunderstood.
I completely agree
I prefer using memes and reaction images to be just that little bit more obnoxious.
standard, unedited sticker on Microsoft Teams.
I do appreciate that all their legal stickers are varieties of sharks at least.
Professional humor. I like it.
When you find words that perfectly convey the sheer energy that a single :V can do, then I will exclusively use words
Obviously joking: I can’t believe you hate aliens and also autistic people
There’s also how emojis in and of themselves convey a separate meaning from the word.
If I reply to someone with just the word “Clown.” it (potentially) holds a different tone to replying with just
Playing the autistic character in Scarlet Nexus is way more fun than the shounen protagonist honestly.
What does that even mean?
If I had to guess “quak”
That’s part of its power - that it clearly means something but exactly what is unclear
That’s why I like it so much :V
If nobody’s making another positivity thread I guess it falls on me?
Be the change you want to see or something like that.
You can come get : I and ;_; from my cold, dead hands b
I seek your soul.
Please tell me when you find it, I have no idea where I put it
My money is on either Stonetower or Levey having it.
So we’re at Phantasialand.
My darling dearest suggested we go on the water ride…
I can now cut glass.
You don’t have to do this we can be negative instead
I hope they feed it then. It bites when hungry.
You disgust me.
Normally I work Mon/Tues at home, Weds-Fri in the office.
This week is my Saturday shift so I’m in the office Tues-Thurs instead, and it has absolutely ruined my sense of week-time. I keep thinking it’s a day later than it actually is.